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没有推荐。No recommendation.

一些推荐。Some recommendations.

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我强烈推荐这本书!I highly recommend it!

我强烈推荐它。I highly recommend it.

主厨推荐那几道菜?It's the chef's special.

我这儿有一份当时的推荐食谱Here's the proposed menu.

你能推荐一下吗?Can you recommend something?

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我极力推荐那个课程。I definitely recommend that.

通常推荐这样做。This is usually recommended.

但我可以推荐一个裁缝师。But I can recommend a tailor.

我向你们推荐玫瑰花瓣色拉。I recommend rose-petal salad.

我极力推荐那些演讲。I recommend them very highly.

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我会向您推荐一张。I will recommend one for you.

我向你推荐巴思。Let me recommend Bath to you.

我肯定会推荐你去该动物园。I definitely recommend you go.

我极力推荐此地。I highly recommend this place.

你推荐哪次航班?。Which flight do you recommend?

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我可向你推荐烧排骨。I can recommend the spare ribs.

我没主意,能不能推荐?I have no idea. Can you please?

我曾大力推荐她要这个。I highly recommended it to her.