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找到你、爱著你、清清白白地活下去。Find you, love you and live without shame.

在遇到这个男人以前,她一直清清白白地生活着。She had lived blamelessly until she met this man.

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我从来没有犯过事,清清白白。I have never had a rap sheet and my record is clean.

卡斯特·塞门亚,她现在已经很清清白白地继续跑步了。Now Caster Semenya, she's been clear to carry on running.

他期望清清白白地重新开始生活。He looked forward to starting life again with a clean slate.

鲁科勒和波兰人马上被释放了,清清白白,可是很生气。Roucolle and the Pole were released at once, entirely exonerated but very angry.

谢晋还有一句名言,那就是“清清白白做人,认认真真演戏”。Xie Jin also has a famous saying, that is "the pure personhood , acts in a play earnestly".

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如果一个纹过身的人清清白白地死掉了,这就是说,他死在犯杀人罪之前。If a tattooed person dies at liberty, it is only that he died a few years before he committed a murder.

使我们平平淡淡地生活、清清白白地做人、坦坦荡荡地处事,实实在在地待人。So that we live in flat light, the clear and simply life, located in Tan Tan sway things and really treat people.

最爱吃的菜是那小葱拌豆腐,一青二白清清白白做人不掺假。Most loves the vegetable which eats is that shallot mixes the bean curd, blue two white pure personhoods do not adulterate.

相较于麻生太郎为首的昏庸政府,民主党为了争取选民而力求自清自律,所以小泽一郎必须彻彻底底的清清白白。For a party trying to present voters with a clear alternative to the benighted government of Taro Aso, the prime minister, Mr Ozawa must be above suspicion.

尽管那样做对于“痛病”的减轻并没有直接效果,但能找到一个可以安慰或是发泄的对象,以此来证明自己的“清清白白”。To do so despite the "pain disease" did not directly reduce the effect, but to find a vent, or the object of comfort in order to prove that he's "clean money.

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安迪·杜佛尼曾经在粪坑中挣扎着前进,但是他出污泥而不染,清清白白地从另外一端爬出来,奔向蔚蓝的太平洋。Maybe because half of me was with Andy Dufresne, Andy Dufresne who had waded in shit and came out clean on the other side, Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific.

她猛地婉藜抱入了自己的怀中“藜儿,别去了,姑姑这一辈子已经毁了,不能再搭上清清白白的你了。”"She fiercely the Wan Li hugged to go into own bosom" Li son don't go, the aunt has been yet marred this lifetime, can not take again up pure without results you.

嫁你时是清清白白的女孩儿,你倒好,反而跟几个女人有过那种事,我不嫌你你倒反过来嫌我!The girl that innocence is when marrying you, you are good, had had the sort of thing with a few women instead, I do not disrelish you you disrelish me conversely!