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墙根的雪形成了雪团。The snow had packed against the wall.

南墙根成了我们大杂院的菜园子。Southern wall into our courtyard garden.

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司机刚好把车停在墙根下。The driver just stopped the car at the wall.

西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.

都来种眉豆、种丝瓜。就种在南墙根儿。To them, a kind of towel gourd. Species in the south wall.

我蹲在胡同的墙根,从背包里拿出一本最近出版的小开本的书。Squatting by one of the walls, I took a little book from my knapsack.

它先瞟了一眼弗恩,然后悄悄爬向母鹅,紧紧的挨着墙根,每个人都看着它。He glanced at Fern, then crept cautiously toward the goose, keeping close to the wall.

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我们把墙根底下那根横木的中段前面的东西搬开,清出了四五英尺宽的一块空地。We cleared everything out of the way, about four or five foot along the middle of the bottom log.

人们因害怕受到病人的攻击,因此在经过这个病房的时候都背靠着墙根走。People would walkthrough that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients.

那寺院的高大围墙外,仍然是倚着墙根席地而坐、摇着转经筒唱着佛经的藏民们。Outside the grand and thick wall, are the Tibetans sitting by its foot swaying their praying-wheel and chanting.

院子很小,靠着南墙根有棵半大的小枣树,树尖上挂着十几个半红的枣儿。The yard was very small. By the southern wall grew a young date tree with a dozen fat red dates on its top branches.

他放弃了爬水管的念头,爬在地上,沿着墙根,又回到了波隆梭街。He gave up all idea of climbing by means of the drain-pipe, and crawled along the wall to get back into the Rue Polonceau.

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他描述了这些婴儿遗骸的精确位置,或隐藏在墙根下,或掩埋在院子里,紧紧地靠着。He gave precise locations for the infant bodies, which were hidden under walls or buried under courtyards close to each other.

老人的咳嗽好多了,成天半醒半睡地坐在南墙根儿晒太阳,暖洋洋的,心满意足。The old man's cough grew better and he sat in the sun by the southern wall of the house, always half-asleep and warm and content.

墙上的牵牛,墙根的靠山竹与草茉莉,是多么省钱省事而也足以招来蝴蝶呀!How easy and saving it is for the morning glory on the wall, the bamboo and the jasmine against the wall to attract the butterflies!

在南墙根下被撞死的个个都是意志力非凡的人,而且意志力越坚强的人死得越难看。In the South Qianggen been killed in each of the people are extraordinary willpower, and the strong willpower of the more ugly death.

这些猫,有的靠在墙根蜷缩着身子,有的在草坪上来回追逐,有的在树上爬上爬下跳跃着。Some crawled through space below a nearby wall, some pranced across the park lawn, and some, I swear, even seemed to climb down from trees.

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多年以后,妻子和我在乡间买下一所房子,我在厨房水槽边凝视着已长到石头墙根的草。Years later, after my wife and I bought a house in the country, I stared out over our kitchen sink at a lawn that crept up to our stone walls.

他站稳了往下看,只见一头食人魔正在用一根树干一样粗的木棍狠揍左边的墙根。He steadied himself and looked down to see one of the ogres pummeling away at the base of the buttress to his left with a tree trunk-sized club.

地震发生时,若在平房住宅里,应迅速钻到桌子下、床下或墙根下,不可靠近窗口。B. When the earthquake occurred, if the residence in the cottage, should quickly drill down to the table, the foot of the bed or can not close the window.