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长长的冲一次热水澡.A long hot shower.

后用温热水�净。Rinse off with tepid water.

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要枕柔软的枕头,洗热水澡?Soft pillows and hot baths?

错了,我们还想要热水盆浴。But no, we want a hot tub too.

他全身泡在洗澡盆的热水中。He lay immersed in a hot bath.

热水从龙头中流出.Hot water flowed from the tap.

然后我亲戚给我上了一杯热水。Iwas served hot boiling water.

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蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。Steam erupted from the geyser.

洗个热水澡会使你平静下来。A warm bath will calm you down.

避免热水浸浴和蒸汽浴。Avoid hot tubs and steamy baths.

任什么时候间都有热水供应吗?。Is hot water available any time?

用热水冲泡,喝起来像茶。I mix it with hot water like tea.

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洗个痛快的热水澡可真是一种至高的享受。A long hot bath can be pure luxury.

毛料衣服在热水中会收缩的。Woolen clothes shrink in hot water.

加入250毫升热水,搅拌均匀之溶解。Add 250cc 90℃ hot water . Stir well.

温泉的热水可以煮鸡蛋。Eggs boil by the heat of the spring.

为什么不给它们浇点热水呢?Why not pour some hot water on them?

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放在热水里解冻得快一点。It defrosts quickly in the hot water.

座热水融化巧克力。Melt chocolate over a hot-water bath.

在这个旅馆里,洗热水澡要另收费。At this hotel, a hot bath is an extra.