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我们不支持帝国,而是支持自决。We stand not for empire, but for self-determination.

是自决的工具,解放在今天的世界?Is self-determination a tool for liberation in today's world?

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在埃及,成百上千万的人挣扎着争取自决的权利。In Egypt, millions of people are struggling for self-determination.

全民盟的民族政策强调平等和自决。The NLD policy on ethnic groups focuses on equality and self-determination.

不该有香港式移交,在1997年前没有被允许自决的选择。There will be no Hong Kong handovers where no self-determination was allowed prior to 1997.

领土主权以及离岛人民的自决同样涉及其中。Issues of territorial sovereignty and self-determination for the Islanders are also in play.

温丁说他尊重和珍视各民族平等和自决的原则。Win Tin said that he respected and valued the equality and self-determination of ethnic groups.

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一种阿卜耶伊公投自决,为2011年1月9日定也陷入了疑问。A referendum on self-determination for Abyei, scheduled for Jan 9, 2011 has been thrown into doubt.

他不能接受反美情绪可能是争取自决和民族主义的渴望。He can't accept that anti-American sentiment might be a longing for self-determination and nationalism.

在主权国家实践上,西方民主国家对于自决已逐渐采取民主与开放的政治态度。Most democratic states in the West are holding an open attitude toward self-determination or secessionism.

自决权利是在外国势力真正撤离领土之后,而得以实现。The withdrawal of the foreign power from the territory ipso facto realizes the right of self-determination.

主观的理念,作为独立自决的东西和简单的自身一致的内容,就是善。The subjective idea as original and objective determinateness, and as a simple uniform content, is the Good.

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自从柏林墙倒下后,关于极权统治对“自决原则”的滥用的争论一直没有停止。Tyrants' abuse of the principle of "self-determination" has been contested since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

与中国直接联系确有必要,但必须给台湾人民保留自决的权利。There is a need for direct links with China but self-determination must be preserved for the people of Formosa.

他就良好援助和不良援助、尊严、自决以及非洲儿童的前景发表了众多真知灼见。He has much to say about good and bad aid, dignity, self-determination, and the prospects for hope in your children.

完工之后,三只小猪对各自的活计都很满意,于是便在和平共处、自主自决的气氛中生活了下去。When they were finished, the pigs were satisfied with their work and settled back to live in peace and self-determination.

克服了技术障碍后,发展问题转换为精神层面的自决问题。If we overcome the technique obstacle, the developmental problem will convert into self-determine problem of the spirit level.

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我国不宜采用自决的税收政策,而应采用非自决的税收政策来调节社会总供求关系。It is not suitable for us to adopt it but suitable for us to adopt non-auto one to adjust the aggregate social supply and demand.

有一个深刻的民族意识,这是本届政府的信仰自由和民主,自决和有限的。There's a profound national ideology, which is this belief in democracy and freedom and self-determination and limited government.

我们永远不可能抹去我们之间的历史,但我们相信,你们应该获得自主权,实现有尊严的生活和自决的权利。We can never erase the history between us, but we believe that you should be empowered to live with dignity and self-determination.