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我确信他是贞节的人,就像月亮一样贞洁。I am sure he is chaste as the moon is.

她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity.

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贞节是从富厚的爱情中娩出来的财富。Dhastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.

愿基督徒依上帝的婚姻计划作贞节模范。Pray for Christians to model Gods plan for sexual purity.

若是有什么的话,她的贞节只会吸引它受到伤害。If anything, her chastity will only attract such injuries.

建一个贞节牌坊以掩盖她是女表子的实情。Build chastity memorial arch to belie the truth of being a bitch.

然后贞节在那时开始意味着一些新的东西。Chastity, however, was beginning to mean something new in the period.

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尽管我的贞节是一个缺点,我还是对约会充满了期待。Although my virginity was a disadvantage, I stayed hopeful about dating.

当道者倡导贞节,意在期许寡妇于夫亡之后,成为家庭的支柱,以抚孤成立而翁姑得其养。The official version of chastity saw the widow as a pillar of her family.

常敬斋欣喜狂,想要为翠儿立块贞节牌坊,以表感谢和歉疚。Chang Jingzhai joy, want to the tweety chastity memorial arch, to thank and guilt.

山东守贞女性通过不同的行为模式践行其贞节观。Women with great virtue in Shandong practiced the concept of virtue in different ways.

这样一个行为不检点的人物,怎么可能明白关于贞节的难解的事实呢?How could such a debauched character possibly understand the mysterious truths about chastity?

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这样一个行为不检点的人物,怎么可能明白关于贞节的难解的事实呢?How could such a debauched character possibly understand the mysterious truths about chastity?

石娇则认为她们不像闺秀着重贞节,若丈夫死了改嫁亦平常。Stone jiao thinks they dont like family on chastity, if the husband died re married also normal.

英雄搏杀巨龙,营救被囚禁在某个象牙塔里的贞节女子。Heroes slay dragons and save the maiden from being a vestal virgin locked away in some ivory tower.

所以首先注意这个小哥哥,他将妹妹的贞节与吝啬鬼的财富作比较。So notice first here that the younger brother compares his sister's virginity to a miser's treasure.

因此,塞浦路斯还建议,妇女谁不保持贞节,他们已答应要结婚。Accordingly, Cyprian also advises that women who do not keep the chastity they have promised should marry.

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此板块凸显出人们对女性贞节和民族气节的坚守。This tectonic plate highlights the people to the feminine chastity and national moral courage persevering.

女性的贞节观由秦汉时期的倡导贞节到元代衍变为把旌表贞节作为法律制定下来。Women's mind of chastity was promoted in Qing and Han Dynasty and then established as a law in Yuan Dynasty.

临行前,朱耀棕请求皇上为多年守寡一直不嫁的母亲竖立贞节牌坊。Before he left he begged the emperor for a favor--to erect a chastity archway in honor of his widowed mother.