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祝所有群内的爷们自安天命!Wish all Yes in the flock a day a life from Anne!

乖乖跟爷们上京里去吧!Obediently to Beijing where a with the menfolk go!

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这次你得动真格的爷们,因为我想跟她好。And you gotta do it for real this time, man, because I want her.

那些有钱的大爷们葬在上头,路两旁有槐树,路面是铺了石块的。The great, those who are rich, are up above, in the acacia alley, which is paved.

当气温升高时,为了能凉快点,许多中国男爷们撩起衣衫。When temperatures soar, many Chinese men raise their shirts in an attempt to stay cool.

两个可爱的女生朝我走来,于是我决定抖抖我的腹肌来体现我爷们的一面。Two cute girls are walking my way and I decide to try and impress them by flexing my abs.

我这会子得快出去打发太爷们并合家爷们吃饭。Now I must hurry and see to the food for all the grand-uncles, uncles and other gentlemen.

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路过的,游过的,老少爷们,姑娘媳妇,给俺狠狠踩上一脚。Transient, having swum , old young masters, girl's wife, step on a kick ruthlessly for me!

他说爷们点撑过去,然后拍了一下我的头,我被拍的晕了过去。He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out.

到头来只有一个人的走私行为败露了,这是位小个子苏格兰佬,长得毛茸茸的,操了一口蹩脚的伦敦腔,大概是哪位伦敦爷们留在格拉斯哥的私生子。This was Scotty, a little hairy tramp with a bastard accent sired by cockney out of Glasgow.

北京爷们和姐们喜欢开车,开起车来也只能用一个“飚”字形容。Beijing ao and communicate like driving, to drive also can only use one "MAO" word to describe.

卡尔罗既然决定在本赛季结束后再讨论合同问题,那么到时我们再一起坐下谈,像个爷们样去解决问题。With Carlo we have decided that at the end of the season we will sit at a table and male a decision.

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能力有限的款爷们如果觉得贵,不妨去旅游学院或者商学院转转。The gentleman on a budget had better browse through students at the tourism institute, or perhaps the business school.

叽里呱啦地读英语是小儿科,能准确地解读经典长难句才是爷们的本事。Boys just know how to read English crazily, while real man likes to analysis classical long sentences correctly and accurately.

当年螯拜那重量级的他都扳的动,更不用说那些貌似力士的爷们了。The that year Ao does obeisance what he pull of that heavy weight to move and said nothing of those Yes which look like muscle man.

今天,我成婚9年的老通知布告诉我说他是搞基的。他以至还暗示我说,他和我在一同的时分能硬起来,是由于我长得比拟爷们。Today, my husband of 9 years announced he was gay. He insinuated that he was only able to achieve erections because I looked like a man.

刘文凯说一个巴掌拍不响,丁香却说他不够爷们,玉珠已经跑到公社干部那里将责任都揽到自己身上了。Liu Wenkai said to make a quarrel, clove said he is not the yes, jade bead has run to the commune cadre will responsibility to themselves.

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他们高兴的看到摆放整齐的车辆和浓郁的植被直到看到膀爷们和在凳子上打瞌睡的人。They felt good at the prim park paths and thick plants until they saw those who were wandering about half-naked and taking naps on benches.

而网站上仍然给从中国违法倒运蜂蜜和其它受关税保护的商品到美国的倒爷们大量机会。And websites still openly offer brokers who will illegally transship honey and scores of other tariff-protected goods from China to the U.S.

这,我结婚9年的老公报告我说他是搞基的。他乃至还暗示我说,他和我在一起的时刻能硬起来,是由于我长得对比爷们。FML。Today, my husband of 9 years announced he was gay. He insinuated that he was only able to achieve erections because I looked like a man. FML.