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是否有虚假的重叠?Are there false overlaps?

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两者内容会有些重叠There will be some overlap.

他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。His visit and mine overlapped.

这样他们有重叠了。And they are smearing this way.

但它们并不总是重叠的。But they do not always overlap.

一件就是重叠的子问题。One was overlapping sub-problems.

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首先,这是氢气中的两个s轨道,1s与1s轨道重叠产生西格。Let's take a look at some of these.

重叠部分呈黄色。Overlapping portions appear yellow.

重叠标签巢套是不允许的。Overlapped tag nesting is not allowed.

这两根键只能侧面重叠。These two are going to smear laterally.

皮辊硬度太软,导致重叠过多。Softer cots, which lead to more lapping.

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这时就会看到标签相互重叠。You will discover overlaps in the labels.

另两根是从侧面重叠的。The other two are going to smear laterally.

两个世代互相重叠。The two aeons are overlapping, coterminous.

请输入一个没有重叠的地址范围。Please enter a non-overlapping address range.

“宽级”会造成很大的范围重叠。Broad banding may produce substantial overlap.

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比较常用的是密度—中子曲线重叠法。Density—neutron overlapping is quite familiar.

更正长股票名称与报酬率重叠问题。Fix stock name and reward label overlay issue.

合成词中不存在重叠式合成词。In compound words, no overlapping words exist.