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这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配。The fox goes very well with your cap.

我解开了他一直带着的金黄色的围脖。I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore.

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围脖拥有400万用户,基本就是一个中国的Twitter。Weibo, with 40 million users, is like a Chinese Twitter.

是的,但是绝对只要围巾,绝对不要围脖。Yes, but specifically a scarf and definitely not a snood.

她的白色围脖不小心掉在了地上,露出粘粘的乱发。Soon her boa is on the floor and her hair is mussed and sticky.

“好好饱饱眼福吧!”他说着在她面前摇晃着那件围脖。"feast your eyes on that! " he said, waving it in front of her face.

再戴一条围巾,围脖或者丝巾遮住你的脖子、嘴和鼻子。Then, wear a scarf, neck gaiter, or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.

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球员可能被出于安全方面的考虑而禁止穿戴围脖,今日消息。Players could be banned from wearing snoods on safety grounds, it emerged today.

几天以后,狐狸的皮被剥了下来,制作成了一条漂亮的狐皮围脖!A few days later, a fox skin was stripped down, production has become a beautiful fox.

一提到“围脖”人气王,大家最先想到的自然就是姚晨、韩寒、周立波等名人。When thinking about twitter stars, Yao Chen, Han Han, and Zhou Libo first come to mind.

他简单的黑色围脖被很巧妙地从一个环中穿过。He knots his simple, black neckwarmer just the right way, threaded through a loop like a pro.

装备了扫帚和围脖的清理者当然可以帮助清理场外交易市场。Armed with their brooms and pinnies, the regulators clearly can help to tidy up the OTC market.

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我记得几年前坎珀在来我们球队踢球的时候他开始戴围脖。Well I remember when Ivan Campo came over playing for us a few years ago he started wearing one.

一些公务员们也正在培训使用围脖、博客和IM软件。Officials are taught how to use microblogs, blogs and instant messaging software, the report said.

您使用最多的微博是新浪围脖吗?您认为那些方面吸引您使用新浪围脖?Is SINA Weibo your most frequent using micro-blog? What do you think are the attractions of SINA Weibo?

但是没有貂皮大衣,只有一条可笑的小皮草围脖挂在他丈夫的手上。But there was no coat. There was only a ridiculous little fur neckpiece dangling from her husband's hand.

围脖上的照片显示挖土地就地掩埋列车残骸。Photos on the popular Weibo microblogging service showed backhoes burying the wrecked train near the site.

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Cyndie故意打扮的很惹人注意,一双棕色毛边皮靴,牛仔裤,一件浅色夹克还带着一条白色围脖。Cyndie is dressed to attract attention, in boots topped with brown fur, jeans, a light jacket and a white boa.

车上的人戴着大风帽,连嘴带鼻子都围在大围脖之内,只露着两个眼。The man was wearing a hood and his mouth and nose were muffled in a large scarf, leaving only his eyes showing.

许多边境也有阴阳脸或全白脸,这通常是白色围脖的扩展。Many Border Collies have either a half- white or whole white face , usually blending into the broad white collar.