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把这篇文章简缩到只有几个句子。Boil down the article to a few sentences.

历史叙述把大屠杀简缩成了冷冰冰的数字。History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.

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隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.

由于“头”义项过多,语言系统没有选择“头”而是选择“项”作为“头项”的简缩式。Because Tou has numerous extended meanings, Xiang is used as the abbreviation.

导演请他朋友们看的是这部电影他删节后的简缩版。The director abbreviated the film to let his friends see the shortened version.

这些简缩式双字格一部分已经成为常用词,还有一部分尚未成词。Some of the shortened two-word expressions have become commonly used words and others have not.

词语简缩是自先秦至现代汉语存在的一种普遍现象。Shortened words and expressions has been a universal phenomenon since the pre-Qin dynasty period.

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以生物固锰除锰理论为指导,设计了弱曝气一级过滤生物除铁除锰简缩流程。The project was designed according to the theory of biological fixation and removal of manganese.

不过,支票简缩系统是在银行之间运作的,是为加快支票清算程序而设计的。Well. Check truncation operates among banks and is designed to speed up check clearing procedures.

一个常见的解决方案就是数据简缩,即通过减少源数据来降低物理空间需求。A common solution is data reduction, whereby the source data is reduced to require less physical space.

这些照片聚集在一起,告诉我们关于那个重要的,迷人的,满腹疑问的诗人的职业的简缩历史。Together, they tell a kind of encapsulated history of this central, fascinating, problematic poet's career.

汉语词汇以双音词为主,词语的简缩也主要是将多音词或短语简缩为双音词。Chinese vocabulary is made up of mainly two-word expressions and the shortened form of words and expressions are mostly two-word expressions.

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在语法方面,标题英语通常采用省略简化,灵活运用时态、定语前置等手段来简缩句式。In terms of grammar, methods of omission , simplification , flexible usage of tenses and preceded attribute are employed to make headlines simple and short.

最后,运用简缩积分单元对计算模型进行网格划分,采用显式积分方法完成计算。Finally, the grid division of the computational model is completed using the reduced integral unit, and the explicit integral is introduced to complete the calculation.

本文主要列举了词源背景分析、简缩成分还原、同族系列理解、修辞形象分析等方法,以有效提高新词语在对外汉语教学中的教学效果。Accordingly, some analytical methods such as etymological background analysis, abbreviated component reduction, word understanding in the same group, rhetorical image analysis are introduced.