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我们今天清仓大甩卖。We have a clearance sale today.

清仓物资,低价倾销。Dump clearance goods at low price.

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我们今天清仓大甩卖。We will have a bargain sale today.

因为我们现在正在清仓。Because we're clearing out our stock right now.

天,整个房子看起来像大清仓,没错。Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes.

在十月一日,星期一,我们将组织一次清仓销售,现有库存不论成本都将清售。Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost.

这家购物商场正进行清仓大拍卖勾当。This shopping mall is having a big clearance sale.

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然后每个子集被清仓到对应的数据库。Then each subset is flushed to the corresponding database.

我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale.

清仓商品无论种类还是质量都无可挑剔。Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality.

有两个公司今天有一天的清仓大减价。A couple of companies are having one-day clearance sales today.

伊莎贝尔正在清仓大拍卖,今天是最后一天。Isabel's is having a clearance sale, and today is the last day.

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今天下午公司要清仓盘点货物。The company will make an inventory of the warehouse this afternoon.

我们正在举行清仓大拍卖,所有商品一律七折出售。We are offering a big clear on sale,all the goods are thirty persent off.

我们正在举行清仓大拍卖,所有商品一律七折出售。We are offering a big clear on sale, all the goods are thirty persent off.

如果你想省更多的钱,不要忘记关注清仓活动和易趣网店哦。For great bargains also check out clearance racks and on-line sites like eBay.

很遗憾的,这些东西是清仓拍卖品,我们无法退现金给你喔。Unfortunately, these items were on our clearance sale. We can't give you cash refunds.

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“伊豆”由米尔特鸽舍在弗瑞迪凡德布兰迪的清仓甩卖中购得。"Edou" was purchased by Myrtle Lofts from Freddy Vandenbrande's Entire Clearance Sale.

许多商家清仓大拍卖来清掉纳莉台风期间受损的商品。Many stores are having clearance sales to get rid of goods damaged during typhoon Nari.

非税收,出货迅速,真正的雪地靴女靴澳洲的廉价鞋清仓大甩卖。Non-tax, fast shipping, real snow "shoes" cheap sell shoes " Australia " to remove shoes.