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他们住在向阳的屋里。They live in a sunny room.

果不向阳难成熟。Fruit ripens not well in the shade.

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静默在时光里,微笑着向阳。The silence in the time, smiling sun.

草莓应该种在向阳的场地。Strawberries should have a sunny place.

我们这个星期天将参观向阳农场吗?Shall we visit the Xiangyang Farm this Sunday?

我把她拉到山上僻静处,坐在一块向阳的石头上。I drew her to me, and we rested on a stone in the sun.

在向阳的帮助下,四季回到了福康。With the help of the sun, the four seasons back luck kang.

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蔡金勇将接任查向阳担任高盛高华的首席执行长。Mr. Cai will succeed Zha Xiangyang as CEO of the joint venture.

好,填好了。我想要一间向阳的房间。Yes, here you are , I'd like a room on the Sunny-side , please.

曾向阳准备与陆小燕结婚,开始新生活。Ceng Xiangyang prepares to marry with Liu Xiaoyan, begin new life.

以蛹在向阳地的残株落叶或杂草中越冬。It over-wintered with the pupa in fallen leaves or the weeds of ground.

向阳想要她往前看,可四季还是决定要问个清楚。Xiangyang want her look ahead, but decided to ask a clear four seasons.

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向阳答应了他,并拿着他给的那笔钱救回了四季。Xiangyang promised to him, and took him to the money saved the four seasons.

梁文装作不认识何花奶奶,责怪向阳随便带外人回来。Liang pretended not know He Hua grandma, to blame the sun literally brought back.

随后,我们开始为亚研院院长沈向阳演讲的事宜做准备。Then, we prepared for the speech of Dean of Microsoft Research Asia, Xiangyang, Shen.

等到向阳回来,凭他一个外人,也无法改变梁文的决定。Wait until the sun came back, with a stranger, he could not change the liang decision.

经过3年的恋爱考验,陈向阳和薛萌萌终于有情人终成眷属。After 3 years of love test, Chen Xiangyang, and Xue Mengmeng lovers to get married at last.

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向晴唯有与向阳一起勤奋地在荔湾经营粥艇。To clear only has with toward the sun together diligently in the Li Bay management gruel ship.

大家一起到东门的韩尚宫吃了个饭,就是原来向阳饭店的旧址。We went to restaurant Han Shang Gong beside the east gate, the old address of Xiangyang hotel.

几经询问,向阳得知了四季和小春在福康公司做试吃员的事情。After several inquiries, xiangyang learned four seasons and doing in the company do try member.