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使用拉丁语作前缀。Use these Latin prefixes.

这些类名称以一个点前缀开始。The class names begin with a dot prefix.

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前缀简化了对工作的表述。Prefixes simplify discussion of your work.

响应图像和不带前缀的网络音频。Responsive Images and Unprefixed Web Audio.

其前缀,和“怀有二心”一样是“二者”的意思。The prefix, as in "ambidextrous" means "both".

第一种形式是前缀减量操作。The first form is a prefix decrement operation.

前缀以左对右的顺序排列。The prefixes are applied in left-to-right order.

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派生词缀可以是前缀也可以是后缀。Derivational affixes can be prefixes or suffixes.

使用表明包或模块的前缀。Use prefixes that indicate the package or module.

如果属性没有前缀,那么它就没有名称空间。If an attribute has no prefix, it has no namespace.

horoscope的前缀也来自希腊语。The prefix in the word horoscope is also from Greek.

可以看到每个迁移的数字前缀。You can see the numerical prefix for each migration.

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前缀和后缀表示法有三项公共特征Prefix and postfix notation have three common features

此参数指定所有邮箱路径的前缀。Specifies a path that is prepended to all mailbox paths.

前缀和数组键名之间会自动加上一个下划线。The user points out that php adds a '_' to your prefixes.

请注意,您可以使用前缀、驼峰匹配和通配符。Notice that you can use prefix, camel case and wild cards.

以下的单音节前缀通常不重读。The following one-syllable prefixes are usually unstressed.

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这时可以通过在该信息库加前缀名的办法来特指该信息库。You can refer to the field by prefixing its name with this.

有些单音节前缀通常用次重音念。Certain one-syllable prefixes usually have secondary stress.

导入带自动表前缀的数据库结构Import the database structure with automatic table prefixing