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坐看牵牛织女星。Thunbergia take look at Vega.

牵牛要牵牛鼻子。We must lead an ox by the halter.

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以矮牵牛的叶片、茎段为外植体进行组织培养。The leaves and stem segments of common petunia as the explants were cultured.

七夕诗属于节令诗,以牵牛织女传说和七夕节日为主要描写对象。Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival.

织女定睛一看,才知道牛郎便是自己日思夜想的牵牛,便含羞答应了他。Weaver began to see, know the cowherd is his want of Petunia, then to promise him.

该传说是在唐以前牵牛织女神话的基型上衍化而成。The legend derives from the myth about Cowherd and Weaver Girl before Dang Dynasty.

传说,牵牛和织女每年只有在在这个时候才能想见。It is said that the Herd-boy and Waving-girl can meet only on that evening every year.

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对中小学生进行日常行为规范的研究,就如牵牛抓住了牛鼻子。The research on the behavioral norms of primary and middle school students is like to seize the focal point.

她坐在长椅上看著人来人往,而旁边就是喷泉、紫色的杜鹃花与牵牛花圃。While watching passersby, she sits on bench next to a fountain, purple rhododendrons, and a bed of petunias.

她坐在长椅上看著人来人往,而旁边就是喷泉、紫色的杜鹃花与牵牛花圃。While watching passersby, she sits on bench next to a fountain, purple rhododendrons , and a bed of petunias.

说明矮牵牛的白化的确可能是由于叶绿体DNA水平上的碱基变化所引起的。The results indicated that albescent seedlings were caused by the variation of base in the sequence of chloroplast DNA.

乡亲们忙着逃命牵牛的牵牛赶羊的赶羊,哪有时间关照它?As people were busy running for their lives, bringing along their cows and goats, how could they spare any time to care about him?

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墙上的牵牛,墙根的靠山竹与草茉莉,是多么省钱省事而也足以招来蝴蝶呀!How easy and saving it is for the morning glory on the wall, the bamboo and the jasmine against the wall to attract the butterflies!

直到1983年科学家们才首次把异体基因移植到烟草和植物界的“白鼠”矮牵牛属植物中去。It was only in 1983 that scientists inserted the first foreign genes into tobacco and petunias, the "white mice" of the plant world.

善良的牵牛上前接住,于是就只好背着她到旅馆投宿了。The kind-hearted catching before pulling an ox to go up, be forced to carrying her on the back to arrive then hotel seek temporary lodging.

探索了矮牵牛组织培养的配方,对组培过程中产生的表型变异植株进行了DNA水平的分析。The prescription of the tissue culture of Petunie hybrida and the DNA level of phenotypic variation seed lings produced by tissue were discussed.

乡亲们有的封窗锁门,有的收拾行装,有的牵牛赶羊,到处人喊马嘶,一片匆忙恐慌景象。Hometowns some seals a window to lock the door, some packed up, some petunia driving sheep, everywhere people shout troops, a hurried panic scene.

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其中包括矮牵牛、观赏烟草植物、各种土豆和西红柿,以及荠菜,和甘蓝类。Among them are species of petunia, ornamental tobacco plants, some varieties of potatoes and tomatoes, and shepherd’s purse, a relative of cabbages.

本文建立了矮牵牛的遗传转化体系,并将查尔酮合酶基因转入矮牵牛。经PCR检测,得到34个转查尔酮合酶基因株系。Genetic transformation system of Petunia hybrida was established in this paper. 34 plantlets were got, and by PCR detection, the CHS gene was introduced into them.

她选择矮牵牛和金鱼草作为基础气味科学的研究对象,这两种植物每种只有10个左右的气味分子。She prefers to understand basic odour science using petunias and snap-dragons, which have about ten smelly chemicals apiece. She has made an encouraging discovery.