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他们就不能够用用常理思考吗?And using common sense is beyond them?

整日行走在积尘的常理之道。Trodden the dusty road of common sense.

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爱情无道理可言,超乎常理!Love is beyond reason, it is superrational.

在所有对性的曲解中,一夫一妻制是最不合常理的。Of all the sexual perversions, monogamy is the most unnatural.

这种体制安排或许有悖于常理,但既非偶然亦非错误。A paradox it may be, but this was not an accident or a mistake.

表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it.

你在让人们做违反常理的行为—背叛他们的国家。You are getting people to do an unnatural act – to betray their country.

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在每个困难的时代,时尚都是不合常理的。"In difficult times, fashion is always outrageous. " — Elsa Schiaparelli.

减少开支才是符合常理的做法,但没人愿意这样做。The commonsensical to do is to cut spending, but nobody wants to cut spending.

毕竟,她为他生了一个儿子,而这按常理来说,这是所有男人都想要的。After all, she had borne him a son, which was, presumably, what all men wanted.

我游浮于常理之外,并深为神秘的驱动力所倾迷。I am floating beyond certainty and being romanced by forces with secret motives.

自杀有时候,也有可能是合乎常理的。Suicide, under certain circumstances, might be rationally and morally justified.

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当一个有名的诗人同一个无名小辈做了朋友,那么照常理该发生的事就会发生了。What followed was what typically happens when a famous poet befriends an unknown.

根据常理,实现必须能够反编组有效的文档。The common base is that implementations must be able to unmarshal valid documents.

迷信是一种不合常理的想法,比如认为13是不吉利的数字!A superstition is an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!

我知道你是谁。我只是要你还我报纸。在常理上很合理吧?。I know who is this, I just want my news paper back, on the regular basis, allright?

聪明的人能够战胜愚笨的人,则是合于常理的必然之事。If a clever man wins a foolish man, it is what the natural logic of things dictates.

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因此,这些公司在发展中会出现一些突兀、不合逻辑、违背常理、令人费解的摇摆和反复。This is why we're seeing these abrupt, illogical, irrational, inexplicable reversals.

你也能把任务分配到不同的列表中,虽然那是有悖常理的。You can also assign the task to a different list but it is somewhat counterintuitive.

北航新生及家长们的反应是可以理解的——甚至是合乎常理的。This reaction among Beihang freshmen and their parents is understandable –even inevitable.