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和平时期也不能马放南山,刀枪入库。Never put the bayonets and guns away.

爱情统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索。Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord.

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飞天犀牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕!Master Flying Rhino's armor, with authentic battle damage!

他说我们得擦亮了刀枪,做好准备。He said we must slick up our swords and guns, and get ready.

飞到田间捉害虫,尾巴毒针赛刀枪。Capture a vermin swiftly to field, the tail poisons needle match weapon.

警方在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。The police found an arsenal of knives and guns in the terrorists' hideout.

让刀枪盾牌和我跳动的心脏一样成为我身体的一部分。To make spear and shield and sword as much a part of me as my own beating heart.

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他们在闪光的刀枪面前冒着生命的危险冲向投票箱。They have marched to the ballot-box in face of gleaming weapons, wounds and death.

“很多与我们刀枪相向的人本来可以站在我们这一边,”一位西方援助官员说。"We are fighting a lot of people we don't have to be fighting, " the western aid official says.

君不见死于刀枪下的人,都是挟带武器的人?Haven't you noticed that people whose death is caused by weapons are usually weapon- carriers themselves?

中国人民,从来就不怕异族的侵略,从来就没有在异族的刀枪下低头。Chinese people, has never been afraid of alien invasion, has never mixed the swords and guns in the bow under.

宝贝,别说我是黑心肝,不该舍弃你纯洁胸膛和恬静心灵的圣庵,却飞往战场与刀枪。Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind, To war and arms I fly.

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无正当理由携带刀枪、械弹、爆炸物、毒品入厂者。Bringing knife, guns, ammunitions, explosive or strong poisonous items into the factory without any reasonable grounds.

他们大声求告,按著他们的规矩,用刀枪自割、自刺,直到身体流血。And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them.

他们大声求告,按着他们的规矩,用刀枪自割,自刺,直到身体流血。And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.

他们大声求告、按著他们的规矩、用刀枪自割、自刺、直到身体流血。And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets , till the blood gushed out upon them.

他们兵分两路,一路拿着战鼓躲在营地后面,一路手执弓箭刀枪埋伏在营地两旁。Ten of them hid behind the camp with drums, while the others lay in ambush with weapons at either side in front of the camp.

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不过咱们这回是要绕开白鼬和他们的那些可恶的枪械。我断定,咱们用不着什么刀枪之类。But just let us once get past the stoats, with those detestable guns of theirs, and I assure you we shan't want any swords or pistols.

感谢主给了我们先辈钢铁般的意志,他们支持了林肯总统的英明抉择,拿起了刀枪加入了格兰特将军的队伍。Thank God for the iron in the blood of our fathers, the men who upheld the wisdom of Lincoln and bore sword or rifle in the armies of Grant!

夜的帷幕一重重,似乎很神秘,但我知道,在一重重森林的背后,是城市的刀枪剑戟和欢歌笑语。Night is encircled ring upon ring, which seems to be very mysterious, but I knew violence and happiness of the city are behind the deep forest.