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他开始用粉笔在一块“黑板”上算题。But it was not a blackboard.

你做了一笔很上算的交易。You've got a good bargain there.

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我在打电话上算是个专家了。I'm a bit of an expert on the phone.

烧煤气比烧煤上算。It's more economical to use gas than coal.

她不久便发现自己做了一笔不上算的生意。She soon found that she had made a bad bargain.

如果你不仔细阅读契约,你会真以为这个生意很上算。It sounded like a good deal until you read the fine print.

昨天我做了一笔很上算的买卖,我真为我自己感到自豪。Yesterday I got such a good bargain, I'm really proud of myself.

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她离开了我,这还不如把我一个人留在孤岛上算了。She left me, it's no better than left me with an isolated island.

他开始用粉笔在一块“黑板”上算题。He began to work a problem on a"blackboard" with a piece of chalk.

昨天我做了一笔很上算的买卖,我真为我自己感到自豪。He felt a great sense of pride when he received the graduation certificate.

减价到星期天为止,你可别错过本地最上算的交易啊。It ends Sunday and you don't want to miss the boat on the best deal in town.

如果没有发泄的渠道,即使这些能量本身基本上算积极的,也会出现问题。If they do not, they can cause problems even when they are basically positive.

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为了玩一个晚上就入会缴会费是不上算的,我可以我会员身份签字让你进去。It is not worth while paying the membership fee for one evening. I'll sign you in on my card.

可用它来模拟战事是否上算?调度那么几只部队?听听枪声?But wouldn't it be better to simulate the battle? To have little battalions maneuvering over the field? To hear the thunder of guns?

我的提议使得该产品在这方案实施中销售量剧增,这是可以在总销售货款上算得出的收利。My idea has prompted a dramatic increase in sales, one that you can count in revenues generated for the product during the campaign.

保持注视着前方,这样你可以在转弯前提前告诉司机许多该注意的地方,否则你就坐在后座上算了。Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or youll have to move to the back seat.

前锋肯尼思-克里斯滕森以大约170磅鲜虾的身价从挪威的一支球队转会到了另一支,两支球队都觉得这是笔上算的买卖。Both teams said they got a good catch when striker Kenneth Kristensen switched soccer teams in Norway for about 170 pounds of fresh shrimp.

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有这种意识形态的人的世界充满了阳光,糖果,彩虹,他们都跑到民主党那里去了,在政治派别上算左翼。The political ideology of people who live in a world filled with sunshine, lollypops, and rainbows. Liberals populate the Democratic Party and are on the left side of the political spectrum.