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她笑了,祈福保佑我,然后去继续查房了。She smiled, blessed me and carried on with her round.

医院里,值夜班的护士正在例行查房。In hospitals, night nurse are making their usual rounds.

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今天,我们和呼吸内科的医生一起查房。Today we'll make patient rounds with the pulmonary team.

上午8点钟医生开始查房和治疗。The ward rounds and treatment start at 8 a. m. every morning.

病人一般早7点起床,8点吃早餐,9点医生查房和做治疗,12点午餐,饭后午睡或休息,下午3点到7点是探视时间,6点晚餐,9点半到10点病人该睡觉了。Breakfast is at 8 o'clock. The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 AM.

医务部和专家组专家继续坚持每日两次查房。Medical experts and the Expert Group to continue to insist on twice-daily rounds.

目的探讨合作性查房在年轻护士培养中的应用效果。Objective To study the effect of using cooperative rounds in cultivating young nurses.

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此外,每天查房时回顾病人目前的问题也很有帮助。Often it's helpful to review the patient's "active" problem list each day when making rounds.

此外,还应记录摄人液体量及尿量以便在查房时报告。Also fluid intake and urine output is often recorded and should be noted and reported on rounds.

目的探讨如何使用360度评估法进行科主任查房质量的量化评估。Objective To study on how to use the 360 degree appraisal to evaluate the quality of chief physician.

姜暮烟带着医疗组的人进行在乌鲁克的最后一次查房,因为医疗组马上就要回国了。Ginger both smoke with medical teams of people in uruk last rounds, because medical teams to return soon.

麻醉科工作不同于普通内、外科,故麻醉查房有其自身的特点。Unlike internal medicine and surgery, interview for anesthesiology department has its own characteristics.

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没过一会儿,警察就来查房了,他们要了我们两人的身份证、暂住证,然后就走了。The hotel staff had called the cops on us because they thought I was underage and he was going to molest me.

目的探索一种适合消化科临床药师药学查房切实可行的工作模式。Aim To explore a pharmaceutical ward round model suitable for clinical pharmacists in gastroenterology department.

查房小组由7人组成,包括呼吸内科的主治医生、专科住院医生、住院医生和3名医学生。The pulmonary team includes the attending physician, senior pulmonary fellow, junior resident, and 3 medical students.

查房查到一半的时候住院医生项目的人打电话给我,要我尽快去见他。Halfway through rounds I received a phone call from a residency program who wanted me to come in early to talk to them.

你雇来保姆,因为你已经许久未与丈夫单独约会了,回来后却要花上大半夜的工夫查房。You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.

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目的探讨“品管圈”活动在护士长夜查房中的应用效果。Objective To explore the application and effect of quality control circle program in head nurses nighttime ward inspection.

护士长查房以前,护士们要为病人梳洗、换衣、打扮,这成为每日例行的公事。The nurses came on their daily round of washing, changing, combing and prettifying the patients before the matron's inspection.

方法结合消化科常见疾病与用药特点,进行临床药学查房实践,在此基础上不断总结和完善。Methods The pharmaceutical ward round model in gastroenterology department was summarized and improved based on clinical practice.