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我可以感觉一股杀气在我后背挪动。I can feel a Kung-Fu chill riding up my spine!

够杀气,拔刀兄的摄影功夫也不错呀!Combative , brother Badao your photography is really not bad!

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地狱持续一段时间后,充满杀气的怒吼会变多。Hell for some time, full of murderous look will become more angry.

反过来,漂浮在我们生活中的消极能量则被贴上杀气的标签。In turn, the negative energy flowing throughout our lives is labeled sha qi.

他散发出强大的杀气,向元都一步步走去。He sends ahead a strong murderous look and all step by step walks to the dollars.

惊天的杀气中,是否已经听见了心碎的声音。In the murderous look of surprised day, whether have already heard heart-broken voice.

清晨,刀锋单独磨刀,父亲的纹龙刀在晨曦中杀气四溢。Early morning, blade knife, father ather's grain alone dragon sword at sunrise enemy. the 4 excessive.

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我回望,三千军郎,断臂流浆,血溅满脸,却杀气如刚。I look back, the three thousand army Lang, Brokeback pulp flow, blood was, but murderous look just like.

我一个箭步跟上他,心里充满了杀气,谁知他消失得无影无踪,连身份也无从查询。With murder in my heart, I sprang after him, but he had vanished without even the bad luck of identification.

秦朝通过阳神,立刻察觉到。在那一刻,那眼镜男眼中爆发出来的杀气。The Qin Dynasty passes sun absolute being and immediately realizes. In that a moment, break out in the that cups male's eyes of murderous look.

浓重的杀气,伴着那支罪恶的箭狠狠地向你袭来。顿时,你凄厉的哀号响彻山谷。Thick heavy murderous look, the companion wear the arrows of that crime ruthlessly toward your . Immediately, your sad and shrill number rings valley.

这帮穿着灰色劲装的剽悍大汉乔装村民混进人堆里作买卖,却难以掩盖那脸庞中的阵阵肃穆杀气。This help with the agile in gray with big fellow villagers crypto-software to disguise the huddle, sales, but difficult to cover the face of the murderous look solemn.

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是半岛上阴魂不散的冷战思维让不同意识形态和社会制度的人们互相敌对,充满杀气。It is the Cold War-minded logic lingering on the peninsula to assert that anyone having different ideology and social system is liable to become an object of enmity and strangulation.

叶琛沉着脸,冷冽的眸怒火闪烁,拳头捏得咯咯响,杀气四溢,敢揍他妹妹,不想活了。Leaf Chen calm and steady face, the Mou fury of the cold Lie flicker, the fist kneads the Luo Luo ring, murderous look four overflow, dare to beat his younger sister, didn't want to live.

女童的眼睛慢慢凝聚,开阖的唇中吐出冷然的话语,居然有静默的杀气蔓延,“我将在平衡倾覆之前、将其彻底终结。”"Girls eyes slowly cohesion, opening and closing of the lips spit Lengran words, there is a surprisingly quiet murderous spread, " I will overturn the balance before the end of its total.

除了测试20位蜘蛛恐惧症患者外,克帆教授也对21位社交恐惧症患者施以可体松,并由三个脸带杀气的面试者进行假的工作面试。Apart from testing 20 arachnophobes, Prof De Quervain also put 21 social phobics treated with cortisol through a mock job interview in front of three stony-faced and lab-coated interviewers.

雁南飞又一步步向元都走去,他走得很慢,盛气凌人的杀气逼得元都等人直往后退。The wild goose south flies and tread by tread all hikes toward the dollars to, he hikes very slowly, the proud murderous look forces the dollars all await person to keep to henceforth behind.