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这是反常的。This is unnatural.

这其实并不反常。This was not unusual.

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那简直是反常的。That is simply abnormal.

这只鸟今天有点儿反常。The bird is not itself today.

这是历史上最大的反常。This is history's greatest perversion.

现在天气到底热的有多反常呢?And just how abnormally warm is it now?

最近天气有点儿反常。The weather is a bit unusual these days.

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但是也不能认为这个数据是反常的。But don’t think the scores are an anomaly.

任何反常的情况必须立即报告。Immediately report any abnormal condition.

从那个男孩的反常举动中,我怀疑他在撒谎。I doubt he is telling lies by his freak-out.

有一天下午,科科开始行动反常。One afternoon,Cocoa started acting strangely.

茹素是比较严重的反常行为。To abstain from meat was a serious deviation.

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但是科学家被一个反常现象所困扰。But scientists had been baffled by an anomaly.

反常精子可能有两个头两个尾巴。Abnormal sperm can have two heads or two tails.

然而这也会导致反常现象的产生。However this can lead to a number of anomalies.

工业阶级矛盾就是一种反常的症象。Industrial class conflict was a symptom of anomie.

我想一点不同的。我曾演过反常的人在一?英国的戏。If I were to do it, I would do it in a different way.

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我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。We don't think the abnormal phenomenon would last long.

我们不断遭受严重的干旱和反常的洪水。We lurch between terrible drought and unseasonal flood.

不过,当前的形势实际上更为反常。However, the current situation is actually more perverse.