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使用秒表并且设定时间。Use a stopwatch and set a limit.

还有游戏、行事历、秒表、定时器等功能。Games, calendars, stopwatch, and lap timer.

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上海生产的秒表质量高。Stopwatches made in Shanghai are of high quality.

当瓶子空时,你可以设置一下秒表。When the bottle is empty, you can set the stop watch.

扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch.

测试开始了,我放开狗,同时按下了秒表。I threw the blanket over her and started my stopwatch.

大声吟诵对白同时用秒表计时。Say the dialogue out loud and time it with a stopwatch.

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他们查看秒表,步测距离。They consulted their stopwatches and paced off distances.

他告诉我说最后一局用秒表计时。He told me that the last round would be against the clock.

我坐在导演身边,拿着剧本和秒表,I sit alongside the director with the script and a stopwatch,

他说,这些已经用秒表分析测试过。they have been analyzed and tested with a stopwatch, he said.

他开始用秒表为他们计时,于是他们变快了。He started timing them with a stopwatch , and they got faster.

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我握着秒表,在谷物食品货架后方观察她。Stopwatch in hand, I observe her from behind a cereal display.

在热缺血期间内用秒表进行监测。The duration of warm ischaemia is monitored using a stopwatch.

秒表——指定开始和停止的计时器。Stopwatch -- specifies a timer that can be started and stopped.

秒表是一个原理和功能舆真正的秒表相同的实用程序。StopWatch is an application that functions like a real stopwatch.

在秒表设置西关掉“秒表”,共下面一样,会每秒皆刷新显示。Turn off "Stopwatch". Same as above, will refresh every 1 second.

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该小组打算重新分析其数据和升级探测器的秒表。The team plans to reanalyse its data and upgrade the detector's stopwatch.

建议启动一个秒表,然后让原始请求继续进行。The advice starts a stop watch, and then it lets the original request proceed.

秒表,计程器一种显示度量的仪器,例如。Any of various devices that indicate measurement, such as a speedometer or a taximeter.