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进军号吹响了。The advance was sounded.

军号吹响退兵号。The bugle tooted retreat.

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听!风在呼啸军号响。Listen! Winds blow, trumpets call.

军号吹响前进的号令。The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.

梅格斯将军号在趁潮进港。The general meigs is tiding into the harbor.

军号一响,突袭便开始了。The bugle sounded and the assault jumped off.

听!风在呼啸军号响。Listen! In the blowing wind, our bugles' call.

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梅格斯将军号在趁潮出港。The General Meigs is tiding out of the harbor.

他们踩着高高的步伐并吹响了军号。They stepped so high and they made the bugles ring.

互联网的春天已经来临,网络大战的军号已经吹响!Spring is coming, the Internet network of bugles has sounded!

牧师按常规做了祷告,号手吹起了军号。The pastor said the usual prayers and the bugler played taps.

厂里只有几十个职工,他们一天能生产出20,000以上个这种小军号。With a few dozen staff, they make more than 20,000 bugles a day.

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钟敲了八响,远处兵营里响起一阵军号,若隐若现,煞是凄清。Eight o'clock struck and a bugle call floated from the distant barracks.

军号吹响了,战斗开始了,但是在这个战场没有一个人是胜利者。The bugle sounds and the charge begins. But on this battlefield no one wins.

早晨,从军营里传来军号声,他们起床望着窗外。In the morning, when the bugle sounded from the barracks they rose and looked out of the window.

本文据以考征、探索,印证韦君靖“都督带使持节兼军号”的节度身份,无可置疑。Through textual research, exploration, Wei' identity of a messenger is affirmed without any doubt.

他们带着军号和一面美国国旗,来到铁路停车场跳上货车。They went down to the railroad yards, with a bugle and an American flag, and hopped onto freight trains.

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我们不敲报险的警钟而吹响向法兰西的敌人冲锋的军号。The tocsin we shall sound is not the alarm signal of danger, it orders the charge on the enemies of France.

梦里有嘹亮的军号声,有战友熟悉的欢笑声,有难忘的脚步声。Liaoliang dream of a sound Junhao, a comrade-in-arms familiar with the sound of laughter, memorable footsteps.

为了造成他们是正规军的假像,民兵们猛吹了几声军号。In order to give the impression that they were regular troops, the militiamen blew several mighty blasts on their bugles.