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还有我的岳父岳母。And my mother-in-law and father-in-law.

那老头是他未来的岳父。That old man is his father-in-law to-be.

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约翰是珍妮的公公和德克立的岳父。John is Jenny's and Derick's father-in-law.

为什么从来不会听到讲岳父的笑话?How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

我的岳父头上留着一些像狼豹那样的耳毛。My father-in-law has ear hair like a wolverine.

你的岳父可以为你的公司提供资金。Your father-in-law would support your business.

为什么我们从没听说过有关岳父的笑话?Why don't we ever hear jokes about father-in-laws?

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为什么大家都没听过岳父的笑话?Why don’t we ever hear jokes about father-in-laws?

因为我还没结婚,所以我没有岳父。Beacuse I do not married, so I have no father-in-law.

岳父之前,他把鞋子擦黑。He blacked his shoes before visiting his father-in-law.

他还把其他五个人拉上了救生艇,但在灾难中失去了他儿子和岳父。He pulled five others aboard, but lost his father-in-law and son.

罗进的上司给了他一份杜荣林的岳父的资料,及他现在的一些情况。Luo Jins boss gave him a Du Ronglin father-in-law, and he is now.

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我的岳父有北卡洛来纳大学篮球比赛的门票吗?That my father-in-law has season tickets to UNC basketball games?

我的岳父,同样擅长DIY,重新把自己的整个房子。My father-in-law, equally expert at DIY, re-wired his entire house.

最后请着一位武先生,那便是我后来的岳父。In the end they called a Doctor Wu, who later became my father-in-law.

我的朋友问他的岳父,飞播农药的,今天过的怎么样啊?My friend asked his father-in-law, a crop-duster , how his day had gone.

崔宁听说妻子是鬼,就回家去问岳父岳母。Hearing that his wife was a ghost, Cui went home to ask his parents-in-law.

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一些文化甚至完全禁止与公公婆婆或岳父岳母的直接交流。Some cultures have even barred all direct communication with parents-in-law.

于是,摩西听从他岳父的话,按着他所说的去行。So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had said.

此后,摩西让他的岳父去,他就往本地去了。Then Moses sent his father-in-law on his way, and Jethro returned to his own country.