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许多英语词汇是外来语。Many English words come from abroad.

你文章中使用的外来语太多了。The loanwords written in your article were overdone.

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在日语之中,片假名是用来书写外来语的。Katakana is mainly used by Japanese for words of foreign origin.

韩国语词汇按其来源可分为固有词与汉字词及外来语三种。Korea vocabulary includes two systems, Pure Korean and Sino-Korean.

外来语的进入遵循一定的原则和规律。The introduction of loan words follow certain principles and rules.

外来语是日本人语言生活、精神生活、文化生活的一部分。Loan words are one aspect of Japanese language, culture and spiritual life.

在每个国家都有一些人要阻止外来语输入到他们自己的语言中。When "import" is used as a noun, it means "something brought into a country from abroad.

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写作者会发现有时借用其他语言、引用外来语是很方便,甚至是必须的。The writer will occasionally find it convenient or necessary to borrow from other languages.

这表明多样化的日语文字体系在借用外来语方面具有极大的宽容性。The employment of quantities of loan words in Japanese character system reflects its tolerance.

日汉外来语既有相同点又有不同点。Loanwords in Chinese and Japanese have common characteristics as well as different characteristics.

词汇中的大多数双音节词都是外来语,主要来源是库美尔语、巴厘语和梵语。Most polysyllabic words in the vocabulary have been borrowed, mainly from Khmer, Pali and Sanskrit.

相比之下,当今东南亚主要语言中大多有着很多来自英语的外来语。In contrast, most of the main languages of South and East Asia are now full of loanwords from English.

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然而法国人并不喜欢借用外来语,因为他们认为那样会造成他们语言中的讹用。The French, however, do not like borrowing foreign words because they think it corrupts their language.

第四章,介绍了日汉外来语的使用现状和未来发展前景。Chapter 4 introduces the current using situation of the two kinds of loanwords and development prospect.

这些外来语有些最终被现代汉语吸收,有些却遭到淘汰与扬弃。Some of them were eventually absorbed in modern Chinese, while some others were eliminated and sublated.

在每个国家都有一些人要阻止外来语输入到他们自己的语言中。In every country, there are people who would like to prevent foreign words being imported into their language.

日语词中有和语词、汉语词、外来语、混和词、派生词、造词等。There are Japanese words , Chinese words, mixed words, derivative and coined words etc in Japanese vocabulary.

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吸收和使用外来语是一个民族语言发展过程中的自然现象。The assimilation and use of loanwords is a natural phenomenon in the evolutionary process of a national language.

对中世纪英语产生如此深远影响的新的外来语就是法语。The new foreign language which was to have such an important influence on the development of Middle English was French.

片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis.