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引导文件。Boot files.

引导性冥想治疗法。Guided meditation.

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且让我引导汝等。I will guide you now.

那么,引导性提问。So, leading question.

什么是引导加载程序?What is a boot loader?

如何引导?How do they channel it?

然后下一步你再足跟引导。Then you step Heel Lead.

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如何进行引导式景象刻画?。How do you do guided imagery?

该团由一支铜管乐队引导。A brass band led the regiment.

新内核现在将引导起来。The new kernel should now boot.

引导学生说说扬中的夏天。What about summer in Yangzhong?

下面是一个用于系统引导的脚本。Here's a script for system boot.

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请引导我们到停机位。Please guid us to parking place.

只存在不可引导的分区。Only non-bootable partition exist.

包含起始引导程序文件。Contains boot loader related files.

请用雷达引导进近。Please for Radar vectoring approach.

咜引导着尒来到这里。Which has led you, inexorably, here.

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他把谈话逐渐引导到自己最热衷的话题上。He has led up to his favourite topic.

灯光引导他们驶回港口。The light guided them back to harbor.

这歌引导我向你飞奔而去。The song guided me to where you were.