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祝你马到成功。I wish every success with you.

祝你马到成功!I wish you an immediate success!

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火车票已经买好啦,我马到成功!…Train tickets ready, I'll succeed!

利用政治可助你马到成功!Use Politics to achieve your goals!

祝你将来事事马到成功。I wish you every success in the future.

祝您身体健康、马到成功。I wish you the best of health and success.

祝你前途无量马到成功。May I wish you every success for the future?

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图中的骏马寓意着“马到成功”。The courser in the picture means succeeding immediately upon its arrival.

拿破仑对马到成功充满自信,预言要在5个星期内攻下俄国。Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.

我不知道是否能够马到成功,但我知道我们在外交领域已经在全力以赴。I don't know if half of life is showing up, but I think half of diplomacy is showing up.

衷心祝愿直捷惠博学子在本次四级考试中马到成功!Best wishes to all the students of Direct Holy Bible Training Center every success in CET Band-4!

衷心祝愿直捷惠博学子在本次六级考试中马到成功!Best wishes to all the students of Direct Holy Bible Training Center every success in CET Band-6!

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初六,人们祈祷“马到成功”,意思是成功马上就会到来。On the sixth day, people make wishes for "ma dao cheng gong", win success immediately upon arrival.

“杀手级的应用”未必马到成功,还必须匹配“杀手级的价格”。"The application of killer class " may not success immediately upon arrival, still must match " the price of killer class ".

很荣幸过去的一年里能在您的领导下工作和学习,祝您在新的一年里健康如意,马到成功!Honored in the past year under your leadership, work and study, I wish you in the new year and everything goes well and success!

通过让客户分享我们的经验并提供全方位的解决方案,助其马到成功。We provide our customers with our comprehensive experience and solutions so they can achieve their objectives fast and effectively.

我永远不会相信,这样大的变化,杀死老女巫等等,没有强大魔法的帮助,就会马到成功。I will never believe that so great an alteration, and the killing of the old enchantress, were effected without the aid of strong magic.

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该研究所设备好,人才济济,若把这个问题交给这个所,必定能够马到成功。If the problem is given to this research institute, which is well-equipped and well-staffed, we believe it can be both successfully and quickly done.

也许你并不喜欢你的每一门课程和每一位老师,你的家庭作业似乎与你现在的生活毫不相关,你在第一次做事情时,并不总是会马到成功。Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right this minute. And you won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.

作品中骏马神态各异、奔腾飘逸、英姿勃发,表达了对拥有者的事业腾飞、马到成功、繁荣昌盛的良好祝愿。The galloping Horses in the picture have different expressions and heroic bearings. It is the blessing for the owner, hoping he or she can have a flourish, successful and prospective career.