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我某个下午曾经访问过那个校舍。I visited that schoolhouse one afternoon.

儿童的研究,在破旧的校舍。Children study in dilapidated schoolhouses.

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他覃辉校舍设计获得二等奖。His design for the school took the second prize.

培群在大巴窑校址举行新校舍落成典礼。Official Opening of the new school at Toa Payoh.

我们预定在九月搬到新校舍去。We are to remove to the new school-house in September.

我们确定校舍为会面地点。We appointed the school-house as place for the meeting.

我们要在旧校舍举行一次三天制的露营活动。We are going to have a three-day camp in the old campus.

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他指定校舍为开会地点。He appointed the schoolhouse as the place for the meeting.

一些学生被埋在倒塌的校舍里。Some students were entombed in the ruins of the school house.

乡村校舍距离我叔叔的农场有三英里远。The country schoolhouse was three miles from my uncle's farm.

有砖房、干净的自来水、甚至还有校舍。It has brick houses, clean running water and even school buildings.

我女儿也去过附近的一间小校舍。My daughter also got to visit a little one room schoolhouse nearby too.

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不同地址的校舍或分校须作个别申请。A separate application should be made by each branch school or extension.

已拨款五千元为建设新校舍之用。Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings.

一座乡村校舍靠一种老式的大腹陶制煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

小小的乡下校舍靠著一只老式的煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

校长已经接受了翻新旧校舍的提议。The school master has accepted proposals to renovate the old schoolhouses.

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原来当校舍倒塌时,里面一个像帐幕的空间掩护了他们。When the building had collapsed, they had been spared in a tent-like pocket.

翻新长江大学的旧校舍花费很大。It cost much to renovate old college buildings at the University of CHANGJIANG.

办学团体负责购置校舍设备的全部经费,并通过以校监为首的校董会管理学校。This body manages the school through a management committee headed by a supervisor.