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皮革外底用橡胶鞋跟。Leather outsole with rubber heel.

在鞋跟拉片,方便上下车。Heel pull tab for easy on and off.

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耐磨鞋头和鞋跟。Abrasion resistant toe cap and heel.

检查鞋跟及外底是否完善圆满。Check rounding of outsoles and heels.

我要叫人给鞋子换鞋底和鞋跟。I'm having my shoes soled and heeled.

这就是最适合你的鞋跟高度。This is the right heel height for you.

当她走在人行道上时她的鞋跟发出喀答声。Her heels clicked on the pavement as she walked.

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鞋跟是皮的,而鞋面是帆布的。The soles are leather, while the uppers are canvas.

耐克公司在鞋跟响应缓冲放大单元。Nike Zoom unit in the heel for responsive cushioning.

主要的不同就在于鞋跟没有护垫。The main difference is the lack of padding in the heel.

巨绒面革鞋跟,增加舒适度和支持。Cupped suede leather heel for added comfort and support.

这是她准备用来做鞋跟和鞋面的皮料。These are what she's going to use for her upper and heel.

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而对于女性来说,鞋子是关键,低于5英寸的鞋跟高度为宜。For women, shoes are key. "Minimum five-inch heel, " he said.

他建议皮鞋应该永远都要擦亮,并且鞋跟一定要匹配。He recommends that shoes always be polished with proper soles.

钉子钉入的角度可避免穿透鞋跟。The selection nail angle can avoid to act through the shoe heel.

鞋跟的设计看起来好像是耶稣在十字架上。Unusual shoes with heels designed to look like Jesus on a cross.

钉子钉入的角度可避免穿透鞋跟。The nailing angle can avoid the nail from going through the heel.

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路易十四也有双红底红鞋跟的类似高跟鞋的东西。Louis XIV also had a thing for high heels with red soles and heels.

新气垫鞋跟的舒适性和增强减震设计。New cushioned heel design for comfort and enhanced shock absorption.

我的鞋跟把我的汽车里加速器下面的地毯磨穿了。My heel wore through the carpeting beneath the accelerator of my car.