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梭梭直播造林成功率很低,是急待解决的问题。It was impatient to solve the low survival rate of direct seeding.

分析了梭梭种群的径级结构、高度结构、密度和空间分布格局变化等。The diameter structure, the height structure , the density and the distribution pattern were worked out.

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克伦民族解放军上校梭梭说,缅军车队在民主克伦佛教军555旅控制的地区遭到伏击。他说,克伦民族解放军士兵没有参与伏击。Soe Soe, a KNLA colonel, said that regime vehicles were ambushed in an area controlled by DKBA Brigade 555.

白梭梭果翅在每一贮藏时期都对其种子的萌发都具有显著的抑制作用。The fruiting wings had significant inhibition to the germination of H. persicum seeds in every store period.

虽然含量很低,但可能对梭梭根系分泌物的研究是个新的突破。Though the content is in very low level, it is a breakthrough for the research of the Haloxlon root's secretion.

退化梭梭的蒸腾速率随着温度的增加以乘幂的形式增加。The transpiration rate of degenerated H. ammodendron increases in the form of power when the temperature increases.

三株代表梭梭的平均有效作用范围小于冠幅的平均直径。The mean effective range of nutrient enrichment of Haloxylon ammodendron was smaller than the average diameter of their canopies.

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发育阶段对梭梭根部养分富集率有极大影响,但冠幅边缘养分指标的富集程度受发育阶段的影响则不显著。Soil nutrient enrichment rate in the rhizosphere of the plant varied sharply with growth stage, but at the canopy brim, it did not.

回归分析发现,梭梭与白梭梭茎流率、穿透率、截留率与降雨量之间呈显著对数关系。Regression analysis showed that the stemflow, throughfall, and interception of the shrubs had logarithmic correlation with rainfall.

因此,从寄生关系判断,肉苁蓉对梭梭的寄生为有害寄生。Therefore, It was concluded that the parasitic plant, Cistanche deserticola had negative effects on host plant, Haloxylon ammodendron.

通径分析结果表明,对退化梭梭净光合速率影响最大的生境因子是土壤含盐量。The result of path coefficient analysis is that the factor affect net photosynthetic rate of H. ammodendron mostly is soil salt contents.

为了研究沙埋对种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响,本论文通过温室控制实验,对梭梭和驼绒藜出苗与沙埋的关系进行研究。This paper studied the effects of sand-burying on the seed germination and seedling emergence of Haloxylon ammodendron and Ceratoides latens.

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本文是利用地统计学原理与GIS技术,对北疆典型荒漠植被梭梭“肥岛”特征进行研究。This study used Geostatistics combined with GIS, studied on characteristic of"fertile island"about the north of Xinjiang haloxylon ammodendron.

梭梭种群的发展趋势属增长型,但幼树数量和林地面积增长速度缓慢。Development trends ofcakcayr population was belong to increment type, but the increased speed of young tree'snumber and forest land area was slow.

主成分分析结果表明,对退化梭梭蒸腾速率影响最大的生境因子为含水含盐量因子。The result of principal component analysis is that the factor affect transpiration rate of degenerated H. ammodendron mostly is water-salt content.

对梭梭秋灌人工林和荒漠林进行了林地土壤水分状况和林木生长状况的研究。This paper studied the soil moisture state and forest growing state of Haloxylon atnmodendron autumn irrigated artificial forest and desert forest.

综述了梭梭抗逆相关的形态学、解剖学、生理学和分子生物学研究现状。This article reviews the research progress on adversity-resistance of H. ammodendron including morphology, photosynthesis, physiology and molecular biology.

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为了研究沙埋对种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响,本论文通过温室控制实验,对梭梭和驼绒藜出苗与沙埋的关系进行研究。This paper studied the effect of sand-burying on the seed germination and seedling emergence of six psammophyte plants wildly spreading in the Tengger Desert.

梭梭种群较高的遗传多样性水平可能源于对异质、高胁迫环境的长期适应,而种群间遗传分异低的主要原因是种群间存在强大的基因流。We suggested that the present genetic structure could have arisen by adaptation to highly heterogeneous and stressful environment and high levels of gene flow.

梭梭浅层根系分布稀少,故其利用降雨的能力十分有限,而更趋向于利用地下水。H. persicum had sparse distribution of lateral roots, and thereby, this shrub had limited capability of using rainfall and more tended to use underground water.