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委内瑞拉官员对此守口如瓶。Venezuelan officials were tight-lipped.

最好的是俱乐部的每个人都对交易守口如瓶。The amazing thing was that no-one in the club said a word.

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我没有暴露出任何我应该守口如瓶的秘密。I didn`t reveal anything that I should have kept to myself.

甚至在我写的那篇“简介”中,其实我都是很守口如瓶的。Even in the long “description” I wrote, I’m being very cagey.

遥想当年,他是如此一个守口如瓶的人啊!Harking back, he was such a good guy who kept something dark!

她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.

事实上大家一直守口如瓶,直至肿瘤被切除。In fact, nary a word got out until Jobs' tumor had been removed.

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那位年轻人是位能够守口如瓶、值得信赖的人。The young man is a trustworthy guy who can keep anything close to thw vest.

我不会对此守口如瓶的,你也别望能收买我,见你的鬼去吧。I won't keep my mouth shut, and you won't buy me off. I'll see you in hell first.

这种守口如瓶的习俗可能正是环保的一种雏形。That tight-lipped custom might have been an early form of environmental protection.

你母抱怨孩子守口如瓶,什么事也不告诉他们。The parents complained that the children were so secretive and never told them anything.

他们提出许多问题想套出我的话,但我对他们想要探听的事情守口如瓶。They are trying to trap me with their question, but I won't tell them what they want to know.

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请问,教父,任何一个西西里人能像卜启丘家族的人那么守口如瓶吗?Tell me, Godfather, is it possible for a Sicilian to be as dumb as the Bocchicchios pretend to be?

现在,当感情上受到伤害时,曾经守口如瓶的英国人也会适当的在公开场合流泪。When it comes to raw emotion, the once buttoned-up Brits are now happy to shed tears quite openly.

一贯守口如瓶的苹果公司不大可能会确认一个发布日期。It seems highly unlikely that the typically tight-lipped Apple would have confirmed a release date.

在他与克里斯汀·斯图尔特的爱情这个话题上,罗伯特.帕丁森一直都守口如瓶。One subject on which Pattinson has been shockingly tight-lipped is his romance with Kristen Stewart.

不过达格利什对球队可能有兴趣的球员依旧守口如瓶,但是他坚称俱乐部有钱可花。While Dalglish remained tight-lipped on any potential interest, he insisted there was money to spend.

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我想我们在守口如瓶方面做得不错,不过我们真的该对他们什么都不说么?I think we are doing a good job of keeping this from the Googlers. But should it really be kept from them?

这个做贼心虚的人给了知情者2000美金,让他守口如瓶。The man who had a guilty conscience forked out 2000 dollars to the man in the know to keep the matter quiet.

去年一年迪拜政府在这个问题上都守口如瓶,没有透露半点风声,”他说。Very little has been said by the government specifically on this question throughout the last year," he said.