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大的那份是磁铁矿。The larger resource is magnetite.

他们在这个地区刚刚发现一个磁铁矿。They have just found a magnetite in this region.

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这是因为氧化磁铁矿蜕变。This is because the oxidation breaks down magnetite.

对冀东磁铁矿球团焙烧的氧化机理进行了研究。The oxidation mechanism of Jidong magnetite pellets was studied.

安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。Iron ores of greatest economic interest contain magnetite and hematite.

该工艺将铁橄榄石转化为磁铁矿,大大提高了铁的回收率。Iron recovery was greatly improved by transforming fayalite to magnetite.

磁铁矿和石英的混合矿样采用磁选分离。The mixture of magnetite and quartz was separated by magnetic separation.

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在相同条件下,赤铁矿石较磁铁矿石易于被还原成还原铁粉。Under the same conditions, hematite is easier to be reduced than magnetite.

安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。The Longqiao iron ore deposit is a large-scale hidden magnetite ore deposit.

大庙斜长岩杂岩体中赋存有丰富的钒钛磁铁矿矿体。The Damiao anorthosite complex is rich in vanadium titanomagnetite ore bodies.

世界初级钒产品的来源主要是含钒铁矿,我国攀枝花地区拥有丰富的钒钛磁铁矿。Vanadium iron ore is the main source of primary vanadium products in the world.

马坑矿业已成为我国最大的单体井下磁铁矿。Makeng Mining is now the largest single magnetite ore underground mine in China.

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最大的新闻是活着的东西,甚至一个简单的细菌,可以制造磁铁矿。The big news was that a living thing, even a simple bacterium, can make magnetite.

含一种或多种过渡金属元素的磁铁矿,可能是值得考察的对象。Magnetite that bears one or more other transitional metal elements may be potential.

白象山铁矿区磁铁矿石储量丰富,品位较高,具有很高的开采价值。Baixiangshan iron mine ore magnetite-rich zone, high grade and high production value.

对白马钒钛磁铁矿进行了选矿工业试验。Commercial test of separating Baima vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite was performanced.

可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石-透辉石-磁铁矿矿床。The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet-diopside-magnetite deposit.

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科学家接着又往烧瓶内加入粉末状磁铁矿和火星上现有的一种氧化铁。The scientists then added powdered magnetite, an iron oxide present on Mars, to the flasks.

辉铋矿与闪锌矿、磁铁矿共生的多金属矿石较少见,具有一定的典型性。Polymetal ore containing bismuth glance, sphalerite and magnetite is rarely seen and typical.

接触部位形成角岩、矽卡岩化,并发生磁铁矿、硫铁矿及金矿化。Hornfels, skarnization, troilite and gold mineralization were formed in their contact segment.