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太守谓谁?Who is the prefecture chief.

你那套光绪年的办法太守旧了。Your Qing dynasty methods are way out of date.

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他有名字的你现在是嫌他太守规矩了?。He has a name. And now he's too punctual for you?

父亲索湛,担任过北地太守。Sok Cham father, served as the North and in full.

杭州太守姚合爱其诗,加以冠巾,改名贺。Hangzhou Prefecture Yao love the poem, to crown towel, renamed Ho.

魏故河涧太守郭君墓志于2001年在洛阳市纱厂西路出土。The epitaph of Guo Dingxing was excavated in urban Luoyang in 2001.

谁知兰芝回到娘家后,趋炎附势的哥哥逼她改嫁太守的儿子。When she returned home, she was forced by her brother to marry major's son.

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回到郡所,就去对太守说了这一经历。When he reached the commandery, he called on the prefect and told him this story.

我们之所以还是我们,估计是因为对自己不太守诺。The reason why we or our, it is estimated that because of they are not in full Connaught.

不过我们以为对于美国整个地区的独家经销来说,年销售500把小提琴未免太守旧了。But we think that the annual sale of five hundred violins for a sole distributor in America is rather conservative.

桓帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing.

太守立即派人跟着他前去,寻找先前做的标记,竟然迷失了方向,没有找到原来的路。In full immediately sent people to go along with him, so look for the previous mark, has lost direction, there is no way to find the original.

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那个时候扬州太守名叫王义恭,请他做好像现在秘书的工作。后来王义恭犯错被皇帝杀了,他觉得自己没尽到责任,从此再也不肯出来做官了。When Wang Yi-gung was executed by the emperor for a mistake that he had made, Wu Ching-jr blamed himself, and resolved that he would never again work for the government.

其实,郡少府供给太守的钱,并非来自市租,而很有可能是收取赋税的一部分,且有着一定额度,属于公务费用。In fact, the county Shao-Fu less money in full supply, the rent does not come from the city, and most likely are part of tax collection, and a certain limit, belong to the public service costs.