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他在竹枝词等民歌体小诗方面的影响表现得更为集中、典型。He is especially influential in folk song such as Zhuzhi-Ci.

第五部分则是总结西湖竹枝词的特点及研究价值。The textual conclusion is stated in the last part, its characteristic and value is included.

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竹枝词作为一种不同于近体诗的诗歌体裁,在语言方面有其独特的特点。Zhuzhici as a verse which is different from the recent genre of poetry, has its own unique characteristics in the language.

历来学者研究竹枝词的颇多,但对有唐一代文人竹枝词的具体发展演变过程却鲜有人论及。There arc many scholars like to study Zhozhi Ci, hot the development of the literators' Zhozhi Ci in the Tang Dynasty is seldom mentioned.

报刊上关于京剧演员,尤其是京剧名角的广告、评论和竹枝词等,提高了演员的社会影响力。The newspaper advertisements, comments and poems about Peking Opera performers, especially the Peking Opera stars, improved their social influence.

竹枝词反映了大理历史上的许多战争,描写了大理的自然风光、名胜古迹,具有史料价值。Zhuzhici reflected many wars in Dali's history and described the natural scenery and the historical relics and it is of historical information value.

根据上海竹枝词中有关海洋文化的篇章,分析古代上海人对海洋的认识及对海神妈祖的崇拜。With the marine cultural texts in Shanghais ZhuZhi poems as basic data, this paper analyzes marine awareness and sea Mazu worship of ancient Shanghainese.

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又因其地域的不同,竹枝词中所反映的语言现象和蕴含的文化背景也有很大的不同。Also because of their different geographical, Zhuzhici reflected in the language of the phenomenon and also the cultural background behind are quite different.

而把二人的竹枝词进行对比,又可以发现他们的竹枝词的语言特点也不尽相同,王初桐在竹枝词的外在形式上比起王象春的竹枝词更为严谨。And to compare their Zhuzhici can be found the different characteristics of their language, The external form of Wangchutong's Zhuzhici is more stringent than Wangxiangchun's.

和他们的近体诗相比,竹枝词在韵脚的使用上比较严格,但在平仄和对仗上就比较自由,不受近体诗的束缚。Compared to their recent poetry, the use of rhyme Zhuzhici in more strict, but on the Level and Oblique Tones and highly relatively free from the shackles of the recent poetry.

田泰斗的五峰竹枝词是土家族作家采用本民族的文学表现形式描写本民族生活的风情画卷,民族特色十分鲜明,也有着丰厚的民俗文化意蕴和宝贵的认识价值。Tian Taidou, a local Tujia writer, wrote "On the bamboo and its Branches in Wufeng County"to describe Tujia folk customs. The book has a rich color of nationality and rich local cultural information.