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嘘。你没事了。Shh. You're ok.

迈克,我会没事的。Mikey, I'll be okay.

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你没事吧,瑟琳?You okay, Catherine?

真希望她会没事。I hope she will be ok.

去吧,我没事。go. I'm gonna be fine.

喂,吉姆,梅琳德没事吧?。Hey, jim, is melinda ok?

我会没事的,好吧?I will be fine. All-right?

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闲着没事我说英语干吗。No, I don't speak English.

你知道吗,艾利乌,我没事。You know, Arius, I'm fine.

没事到处转了转,明天去交大。I will go to SJTU tomorrow.

夫人,您没事吧?Signora! Are you all right?

所有的哽咽汇成一句“没事”All choked Huicheng a right.

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但是没关系。没事的。But it's alright. It's okay.

这些家伙还真死不了,师父,你没事吧?These guys really don't die.

没事的,去和他聊聊吧。Yes, It's ok, go talk to he.

别没事找事。Don't go looking for trouble.

中士麦克你没事吧?。Sarge! Mike, are you alright?

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别理他,他不要紧,没事的。Let him be he's doing no harm.

罢工使许多工人没事干。The strike idled many workers.

有事吗,没事?那挂了啊。Anything else? I gotta hang up.