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你的眼睛将对你感激不尽。Your eyes will thank you.

你的精力将会感激不尽。Your energy levels will thank you.

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始皇感激不尽,要面谢海神。Emperor grateful, thank to face Poseidon.

如果你肯早点告诉我,我会感激不尽。I'd be grateful if you wll let me know soon.

你救我了的命,我永运感激不尽。You saved my life, I am forever in your debt.

对于这次美好的安排,我感激不尽。And I am very grateful for this nice arrangement.

望才之人能相助,在下感激不尽。Hope to people can help, next is deeply grateful.

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你帮我学英语真让我感激不尽。I can't thank you enough for helping me with my English.

劳烦高手解答一下疑惑,感激不尽!Take the trouble to master answer about doubts grateful!

兰登因这次见面的机会简直对他感激不尽。Langdon was grateful simply for the opportunity to meet him.

如果你能不吝赐教,我会感激不尽的。I would appreciate it if you could comment. Thanks a million.

本会对阁下支持无纸化环境感激不尽。Your support to a paperless environment would be appreciated.

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给对方送礼物——偶尔送些甜蜜的小礼物,就能令对方感激不尽。Give gifts----nice small gifts are appreciated every once in a while.

纽约时报还刊登读写网内容,这让我们感激不尽。The Times also syndicates ReadWriteWeb, something we appreciate a lot.

一介在牧羊场工作了一整天,好友汤尼感激不尽。The humble in sheep station worked all day, very grateful friend Tony.

幸亏有你救了他,我们都很感激不尽。Fortunately, you were there to save him. For this we are most grateful.

希望在这件事情上您能够全力配合,我们感激不尽。We anticipate and would appreciate your full cooperation in this matter.

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楼主,很多链接已经被删了,希望能够补上,感激不尽!I really like her and hope these files can be downloaded, thank you so much!

“您所做的这些,我们感激不尽,”马克的妈妈说,“您也看到了,马克在学校里的表现越来越好。Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark behaved better and better at school.

主要问题还是前四项,如果各位能顺便帮一下忙,在下感激不尽。If you can give me a help with any items listed above, it's grealy appreciated.