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很有感染力。and it's contagious, you know.

很明显,演说缺少感染力。Obvisouly the speech lacked punch.

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他的手势比他的语言更具感染力。His manual signs outtell his words.

渥林格的作品具有广泛的感染力。Wallinger's works have a broad appeal.

用有感染力、充满感情的声音和宝宝说话。Talk to baby with inflection and feeling.

具有强烈的艺术感染力。Have the art atmosphere of the mightiness.

她那富有感染力的微笑令她显得十分可爱。She was sweetened with her charming smile.

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以下你能看到他一些极富感染力的作品。Below you can see some of his impressive work.

于是男孩就会爆发出有感染力的大笑。And the boy often broke into an infectious laugh.

巴西队踢起球来带有感染力很强的激情。Brazilian teams play with a contagious exuberance.

爱、幸福与宁静都是有感染力的。Love, happiness and tranquility are all contagious.

负面情绪和心情也是有感染力的。Negative feelings and moods are contagious as well.

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这种空虚被具有感染力的外表所掩盖。This is compensated for by an outer impressiveness.

他积极乐观的态度和他的笑声很有感染力。His positive attitude and his laugh were infectious.

奥斯丁的感染力着实宽泛。The breadth of Austen's appeal is indeed extraordinary.

她不住地笑,没有停下来,笑声很有感染力。She kept on laughing, didn`t stop, and it was contagious.

这样,作品才会生动,有艺术感染力,有创造性。So doing will make the works vivid and moving and creative.

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他们眼下在做的事非常有意思,其热情和干劲也颇具感染力,他们是默默无名的小人物。Their passion and energy is contagious. They are underdogs.

英国人对于“帝国的铜墙铁壁”的信仰是有感染力的。The British belief in the "bastion of Empire" was infectious.

电影动人心弦的感染力在于它的真实性。The heart-stirring power of the film lies in its truthfulness.