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难免紧张出错,多多包涵与指教。Some tension, and got bit wrong.

请包涵这顿不像样的饭菜。Please excuse this _ apology for a meal.

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通过IPTG诱导,获得包涵体表达蛋白。Induced by IPTG, was inclusion body protein.

核内包涵体不易见到。Intranuclear inclusions were difficult to visualize.

细胞内外见红染的包涵体。Eosinophilic inclusions were showed in or out the cells.

包涵体常为圆形,大小不一。Inclusion bodies were usually round and different in size.

但是我想,人与狗的关系超越那位科学家的断言,包涵着更深刻的内容。But there is more to the canine connection than this man avows.

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我只有希望公正的读者多少包涵一些。I cannot but hope the candid reader will give some allowance for it.

因为厨房订单比较多,让您等了这么长时间,请多包涵。Because there are too many orders, sorry to keep you waiting so long.

这些特写表现了肥皂泡不同的一面,包涵表面的结构。The close-ups show a different side to bubbles, with the surface textures

重大的危难包涵着美,它能让陌生者之间显现友爱之情。Great perils have beauty, they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.

在扁桃体、淋巴结和肺内发现嗜酸性核内包涵体。Intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in tonsils, lungs and lymph nodes.

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这是我第一次主持,如有什么不到之处,还希望大家包涵。It is my first trial, so I hope everybody can forgive me if I make any mistake.

在细胞核及细胞浆内均形成圆形或椭圆形的病毒包涵体。The virions and its inclusion bodies were observed in both nucleus and cytoplasm.

包涵体蛋白的复性是生物工程下游技术中的一个重要难题。Inclusion body protein renaturation is a important procedure in the biotechnology.

对不住的地方,望您海量包涵。I hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part.

重组菌经IPTG诱导后,以包涵体的形式稳定表达SAG4。After induced by IPTG, the recombinant SAG4 protein existed in an inclusion body form.

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包涵体形成是病毒杀细胞性感染的形态学证据。The formation of inclusion bodies is morphologic evidence of viral cytocidal infection.

他说,企业需要向雇员提供一整套尽可能多包涵上述特质的东西。You need to offer recruits a package with as many of these characteristics as possible.

菜单上包涵了泰廷在英国、日内瓦、曼谷和新加坡最受欢迎的招牌菜。The menu features signature dishes popular in Patara UK, Geneva, Bangkok, and Singapore.