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吴王为什么会这么对待他?。Why King of the state of Wu treat him so?

城建成后,吴王大喜。The city is completed, the king exultation.

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春秋时期,吴国和越国之间进行了一场战争,吴王不幸受了重伤,不久就死了。The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died.

她整顿司织所,结识吴王李恪等人。She knitted consolidation department, meet Wu Wangli but waiting.

还是吴王夫差沉溺于西施的温柔乡中无法自拔?Or the indulgence of Fuchai, the Wu king in Xishi, the Yue Beauty?

春秋时期,吴王夫差打败并俘虏了越王勾践。The spring and Autumn period, King Wu defeated and captured goujian.

一天傍晚,吴王下达了命令。One day towards evening, the king of the State of Wu gave his orders.

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直到孙权称吴王以后,孙氏才废除了这套机构,彻底解决了政权建设问题。This system was abolished after Sun Quan became the king of the Wu Kingdom.

两只大山站在他家的前面,一个是吴王,另一个是大吊。Two big mountains stood in front of his house, one was Wang Wu, the other was Tai Hang.

有一次吴王令他率人修建了著名的“阖闾大城”,以防侵略。The rate of one king to his people built the famous "lu cities, " to prevent aggression.

于是吴王召来一百八十名宫女,命令孙武来训练她们。Then the king called in one hundred and eighty maids of honor and ordered Sun Wu to train them.

春秋时代,吴王夫差想做几个小国的霸主,率领三万军队向晋军挑战。During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Fuchai of Wu led a huge army against the State of Jin.

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春秋时代,吴王夫差想做几个小国的霸王,率领三万军队向晋军挑战。During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Fuchai of Wu led a huge army against the state of Jin.

可正在这个时候,越王勾践抄了吴王的后路。But just at that time, Gou Jian, king of the State of Yue, outflanked Fu Chai and attacked him in the rear.

孙武将宫女分为两队,叫吴王的两个宠姬担任队长。Sun Wu organized the young ladies into two teams and appointed two of the king's favorite concubines team leaders.

后来,公子光趁著季札去访问晋国时,派人刺杀了吴王僚。Later, taking advantage of the fact that Jizha was away visiting the state ofJin, he sent an assassin to kill King Liao.

春秋战国时期,周庄境内为吴王少子摇的封地,称摇城。Spring and Autumn period, Zhouzhuang in the territory for the king of the manor shake minority carrier, said the city shake.

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季札一走,吴国的朝臣们都慌了,匆忙中立了他三哥的儿子公子僚为吴王。With Jizha's abrupt departure, the ministers of Wu panicked and hastily set up the third brother's son, Prince Liao, as king.

文章详细地讲述了中国春秋末期越王勾践如何以阶下囚的身份卧薪尝胆,最后击败吴王夫差的故事。Article describes in detail China's Spring and Autumn Period Goujian how to hardships as a prisoner, and finally beat Fuchai story.

李念纬先生、吴王依雯女士代表仁济医院董事局向扶贫助教基金捐款。Mr li nianwei and ms wu wang yi wen represented directorate of hong kong yan chai hospital subscribed to the fund for destitute area.