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您得到聘任书了吗?。Have you got a job offer?

有聘任的仲裁员。To have appointed arbitrators.

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你拿到多少工作聘任书了?How many job offers have you got?

但当时没有人聘任女性。But they weren't hiring women just then.

有聘任的仲裁员。and 4. it must have arbitrators for appointment.

迪特马尔-哈曼被英冠莱斯特城队聘任为了一线队教练。Dietmar Hamann has left MK Dons to become Leicester's first-team coach.

对聘任人员实行契约化管理。Contract management should be carried out to the post appointment personnel.

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大约一年前惠普宣布聘任李艾科时,人们感到很是意外。When Mr. Apotheker's hiring was announced almost a year ago, it was a surprise.

总经理、副总经理由董事会聘任,任期为三年,经董事会批准后可以连任。Their term of office may be renewed with the approval by the board of directors.

负责学校学科带头人、骨干教师的聘任与管理。Responsible for the school leader, the backbone teacher's employment and management.

外籍人士可以被聘任为涉外仲裁委员会仲裁员。Yes, foreigners may be appointed as arbitrators of a foreign arbitration commission.

经历了漫长而艰难的求职期,而他接到的几份聘任书全从事流水线上的工作。After a long, hard job search, the only offers he was getting were on assembly lines.

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关于近代中国大学教师的聘任问题,鲜有专论。Few papers on the college-teacher appointment in early modern China have been published.

“能够聘任到具备相当才干的人的唯一办法,就是我辞去首席执行官的工作。”尼维表示。"The only way to get someone of high enough caliber was to give away the CEO job, " Nivi says.

受聘任上海新华艺术专科学校教授与校董。Zhu Qizhan was engaged and became a council member and professor of Shanghai Xinhua Art School.

申请人所提供的资料,将用于招聘本活动员工及作其他聘任用途。The information provided will be used for appointment to this campaign and other employment-related purposes.

凡收取薪酬、酬金、津贴或其他物质利益的任何聘任、职位、行业、专业工作或职业。An employment, office, trade, profession or vocation is "remunerated" where a salary, honorarium, allowance or.

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各州对于终身职教师的聘任条件、解聘原因及其法律正当程序等都有明确具体的规定。There are specifications for employment conditions, dismissing causes and legal procedures for teacher's tenure.

各语系还长期聘任外籍专家和国内知名学者授课。Language departments additionally employ foreign experts and nationally renowned scholars as long-term lecturers.

被聘公司之规模越小、绩效越佳的CEO,越容易被聘任为独立董事。Outside CEOs are more likely to get directorship when their own firms' size is smaller and performance is better.