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而那个小贩谢谢他,手忙脚乱地走了。The vendor thanked him and peddled away.

在你手忙脚乱挣扎工作的时候是很难这样考量的,但是可以一试,环顾一下你的同事,他们也同样地在手忙脚乱地挣扎吗?Look around at your colleagues. Are they struggling too?

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在面对弗朗科和迪亚曼蒂的进攻时有几次显得手忙脚乱。Cut into the box on a couple of occasions, looked threatening.

相信“大的未必不可能”——一旦大的发生了,不至于手忙脚乱。Believe that “the big one is possible” ——be there when it starts.

如果生活是手忙脚乱的,一起坐下来决定要在哪些方面你能够缩减一下。If it's hectic, sit down together and decide where you can cut back.

自然而然地,你会变得手忙脚乱,也不太可能讲得好了。Naturally you’re going to be more flustered and less likely to speak well.

事先为这些东西准备些钱放进你的预算中,那样你以后就不会手忙脚乱。Put extra money in your budget for these things so you don’t deviate later.

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美国人对于接踵而至的债务清单手忙脚乱。Amid all this hand-wringing, Americans have kept piling on more and more debt.

我的工作范围包括住院病人,门诊病人,已经急诊室,那里通常都是手忙脚乱的。I work with inpatients, outpatients and in the emergency room, which is hectic.

他手忙脚乱地去拣摔坏了的眼镜片,免得让客人看见。He scrambled widely to pick up the broken glasses before his guests could see them.

庆嫂手忙脚乱地给心兰换着衣服。The celebrating a sister-in-law to fluster ground changes clothes for heart orchid.

随后,他又坐山观虎斗,看着手忙脚乱的狄安被逼提前五个月辞去党魁一职。Dion performed so clumsily that he was forced to resign five months ahead of schedule.

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直到KFS通知可以收楼了,才开始手忙脚乱,定了装修队定不了装修风格。KFS to take notice until, started running, the team will not be a decoration decoration style.

那么,美国处理经济问题为什么如此目光短浅又手忙脚乱呢?So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed?

但是,她没有因为睡过头而手忙脚乱。她坐在床头上,双脚一摇一晃。But, she wasn't in a hurry from oversleeping . She sat on top of the bed with her feet dangling.

而遇上突发状况时,她更是手忙脚乱,而一点小事也能让她过度反应。She is also prone to fly into a state of panic whenever something untoward happens, however trivial.

龚光杰手忙脚乱的除下长裤,露出两条生满了黑毛的大腿。And now the wretch in a great fluster took off his outer trousers, revealing his fat black-hairy legs.

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我手忙脚乱地去抓手机时,不小心从厨房台子上碰掉了,摔坏了屏幕。In my clumsy attempt to quickly grab the phone, I knocked it off the kitchen counter and cracked the screen.

2008年,他们手忙脚乱地去拯救一家接一家要倒闭的银行,不可避免地会摔破一些。In 2008 they were racing around trying to save one bank after another, and were unable to prevent a few smashes.

手忙脚乱中,珠子又跌落了下来,滚得到处都是,在晨光中,鲜绿鲜绿的。In the panic of the moment she dropped her beads and, bright green in the morning sunlight, they rolled everywhere.