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他保持着镇静并且从容不迫。He remained calm and unflustered.

现在我可以从容不迫地拜访我的亲戚。Now I can take my time visiting my relatives.

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辛德雷从容不迫地下来,酒醒了,也觉得羞愧了。Hindley descended more leisurely, sobered and abashed.

在街道上每一个人都是慢悠悠得,从容不迫,如同成竹在胸一般。Every man on the street is leisurely, leisurely, like a plan.

谁又能指点江山,从容不迫?Who can show the country, take it leisurely and unoppressively?

他们用自己背负的十字架搭在沟上,做成桥,从容不迫地跨越了沟壑。They put the cross on the trench as a bridge and went cross it easily.

从容不迫、举重若轻地描绘,在软弱中越来越有力量和味道。He paints unruffled and shows more and more strength and taste in the weakness.

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作为一个团队成员,他也是忠诚的,但我也认为卡雷苟斯能够从容不迫。He's loyal, he's a team player, but I also think that Kalecgos has a huge heart.

从容不迫的举止比咄咄逼人的态度更能让人折服。It is more convincing to behave calmly and unhurriedly than to air aggressively.

每个地方,人们从容不迫,决定在混乱中建立一点秩序。Everywhere there was a calm determination to conjure a little order out of chaos.

因此他从容不迫地仔细研究,直到发现足够证据。Therefore, he carefully studied unhurried manner until sufficient evidence is found.

从「从容不迫」立基,转化抗拒力成助力。Seventh, from "the calmness" to base and transform the resistance strength to the boosts.

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Kellerman握着一把枪,枪口朝下,追击他们,他移动缓慢,从容不迫地寻找目标。Kellerman, gun drawn, is on the hunt. He moves slowly, deliberately as he seeks his target.

施瓦茨科夫将军坚持他决心在下令发动地面攻击以前,要从容不迫。General Schwarzkopf insisted he was determined to take his time before ordering a ground attack.

更引人注目的是,天量的财富允许沙特阿拉伯可以从容不迫的面对现代生活方式所带来的冲击,悠然的继续着自己的传统生活方式。More profoundly, wealth beyond avarice permits Saudis to deal with modernity on their own terms.

你必须增强自信,这样你在情侣身边才会更加从容不迫。You should work on gaining more self confidence so that you'll be more comfortable around couples.

军队行动,以从容不迫为主,从容不迫就能保持士卒力量的充沛。A campaign army takes measures as its prime concern so that the people's strength will be adequate.

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甲骨文宣称谷歌知道这是他们的专利,并且‘蓄意地,从容不迫地'侵犯这些专利。Oracle alleges that Google was aware of its patents and 'willfully and deliberately' infringed them.

他们用自己背负的十字架搭在沟上,做成桥,从容不迫地跨越了沟壑。They used their own crosses that they have been carrying to bridge the leak and crossed over calmly.

令人惊叹的是人与兽竟同场对阵而人能从容不迫地驾驭兽。It was exciting that a man should be in the ring with and dominate such an animal furnished the emotion.