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茶有千味,适口者珍。There are, including tea flavor, the Jane.

红果3号糖酸含量合理,清淡适口。Hongguo 3showed well sugar and acid content.

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美味,适口性好,爱不释口。Delicious, good palatability, enjoy your cats.

待茶汤冷热适口时,即可举杯品味。Palatability to be hot and cold tea, they can toast taste.

可以热喝,但冷饮更美味适口。Can be hot drink, but cold drinks taste better palatability.

我们不建议把宠物粮置于急冻厢,否则会影响其适口性。We do not recommend freezing the food because it can affect palatability.

产品适口性好,能帮助您的爱物获取最好、最佳的营养。Provide good palatability for pets to intake optimal nutrients and amount.

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他还说该论文没有提供关于这种新品种木薯的产量或适口性的信息。He added that the paper had not provided information about the productivity

观察害鼠对各项处理的适口性和死亡时间。To observe the palatability of the different baits and the time of mice death.

经配制后形成酸甜适口,果香浓郁,色泽鲜亮,营养丰富的复合型果汁饮料。The palatable composite drink with good flavor and rich nutrition was prepared.

他具有适口的香味,有人的水中姿态,和令人过目不忘的色彩。Features include Tasty Scent, Seducing Action, and perfect fish catching colors.

因此,一杯清爽适口又芬芳的麦芽啤酒在太空里可能尝起来就像腐坏的泔水。Therefore, a crisp, flavorsome ale on Earth may taste like stale swill in space.

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库车杏不仅肉厚味浓,酸甜适口,连杏核也是甜的。Kuche apricot meat meat is not only strong, sweet and sour taste, even it is sweet.

目的为控制黄胸鼠筛选适口性较好的抗凝血灭鼠剂。Objective To evaluate the anticoagulant rodenticides for Rattus flavipectus control.

方法选择适口性好,又有经济实用价值的不育剂进行实验。MethodsSelecting a cheap chemosterilant with good palatability and having experiment on it.

摩卡咖啡豆酸度适中,清甜适口,形成了一种丝滑、均匀的口感。The beans feature a balanced acidity and mild sweetness that makes for a smooth, even flavor.

木质素、单宁物质等抗营养物质是影响草食性鱼类适口性的重要因素。Lignin and Tanine were the important factors to affect the forage palatability in psciculture.

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甜味可以增加适口性——糖、糖蜜等都可用作天然甜味剂。Sweetness increases palatability –sugar, molasses, etc. can be used as natural flavor enhancers.

味美适口,肥而不腻,吃后余香久存不散。Taste palatability, fat but not too sweet to eat after the lingering fragrance that lingers on Jiu-Cun.

适口口服片剂用于心脏衰竭在狗和猫慢性肾功能不全的治疗。Palatable oral tablet for the treatment of heart failure in dogs and chronic renal insufficiency in cats.