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他把他的新西装弄皱了。He crumpled his new suit.

王伟我的西装呢?Wang Wei Where is my suit?

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我有各种型号的西装。I have suits in every size.

她穿着一套红西装。She was wearing a red suit.

这套西装耐洗吗?。Will the suit bear washing?

西装本身也越做越时髦了。Suits are also becoming hip.

一套西装差不多1000美元以下。Suits under a thousand dollars.

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这位裁缝师为迪克做了一套西装。The tailor made a suit for Dick.

你穿着新西装看上去真帅。You look great in that new suit.

我刚买了一套新的蓝西装。I have just bought a new blue suit.

请你洗净和熨平这套西装好吗?Will you clean and press this suit?

身著那套绿西装的乔许看来很滑稽。Josh looks funny in that green suit.

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一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.

可是,我没有那么多的钱去买新的西装。But I can't afford to buy a new suit.

我起根没有这么喜欢的西装。I"ve never had any that Ilike better."

但纳特金却在他西装背心的口袋里!But Nutkin was in his waistcoat pocket!

中国著名西装品牌,柒牌男装。The famous brand of men's suit in China.

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新郎则穿戴一套正式的西装或无尾晚号衣。The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.

那些穿西装的男人,穿毛皮大衣的女人。The men in suits. The women in fur coats.

你觉得我的新西装怎样,史密西?What do you make of my new suit, Smithee?