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堕落到死荫的幽谷。Fell to the valley of death.

高山,幽谷,沃野,森林。Field and forest, vale and mountain.

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不去那冷寞的幽谷,不去那凄清的山麓。Not that the valleys, Not that foothills.

大冷山尽是奇峰幽谷,林海松涛。Cold Mountain is full of great piz Valley, Tao.

河水穿过契普赛幽谷向前奔流。And a river flows on through the vale of Cheapside.

我虽然行过死萌的幽谷,也不怕遭害。Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil.

他清楚地看到自己此刻正在死荫的幽谷之中。He saw, cleared eyed, that he was in the Valley of the Shadow.

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我是万籁俱寂的晨,弥漫于绿色茂盛的幽谷。I am in the morning bush, of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush.

嘉道理农场的幽谷清溪,台圃和小桥倚傍,环境怡人。Kadoorie Farm's valley stream, with its charming terraces and bridges.

一条知识小溪从深壑幽谷中缓缓流过。A little stream of Knowledge trickled slowly through a deep worn gully.

高地、空地、幽谷上它们灿烂的微笑全不见。And the brightness of their smile was gone, from upland, glade, and glen.

我不怕她那个混蛋丈夫这么晚会荡到这幽谷中来。I didn't fear that her fool of a husband would wander up the den so late.

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这条道路已经引我们穿过许多笼罩着死亡阴影的幽谷。That path has already led us through many valleys of the shadow of death.

一群年轻人们蝶幽谷玩,一次塌方事件,一个人死了。A group of young people butterfly valley, play a cave-in events, one man die.

不过,詹家龙认为台湾的紫蝶幽谷更漂亮。Yet Chan thinks that Taiwan's Purple Butterfly Valley is even more beautiful.

这条山脉有很多岑岭和幽谷,得意美极了。The mountain range has much high peaks and deep canyons. The scenery is very lovely.

翠溪幽谷是政和洞宫山景区重要组成部分。Tsui Kai-governance and glens Palace is an important component of the mountain area.

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茂林的紫蝶幽谷是台湾紫斑蝶过冬的地方。Maolin's Purple Butterfly Valley is where Taiwan's purple crow butterflies spend the winter.

冬天抢走在幽谷里凋残的紫罗兰将会在来春归还。What withering violet in the vale that Winter rude has taken shall come recovering in Spring.

我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在。Even though I walk through the valley of shadows of death, I fear no evil , for you are with me.