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祝相爱年年岁岁,相知岁岁年年!I love every year, each year!

祝相爱年年岁岁,相知岁岁年年!Wish love each New Year, know each days!

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我朋友不多,却颇有几个相知好友,其中有男性也有女性。I don’t have many friends, but I do have a few.

汉恩自浅胡自深,人生乐在相知心。Hann from shallow Hu from deep, intimate life fun phase.

朋友间的相识相知也是缘!The acquaintance between friends is also Xiangzhi margin!

一份情连结了两颗心,从相知到相惜。A link to the situation unmasked, from Xiangzhi to Xiangxi.

在一个陌生的地方,两个陌生的人相遇,相知,相爱。In a strange place , Two strangers who meet, Xiangzhi. Love.

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来生依然能够相遇、相知、相许、永不分离。That still can meet, who know each other, mutually, never part.

的确,如此过久而认真的相知可导致坏心眼。Yes, too long and intense an acquaintance can lead to sourness.

青山不老翠绿着我们相知相伴的距离。Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us.

总是那些我们相处,相爱,本该相知的人在蒙蔽我们。It is those we live with and love, and should to know hoodwink us.

求高手试译汉诗两首为英诗逢见相知不俗同,又谈离别许多匆。Know each other well with every see, and talk much hasty departure.

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这些朋友并非泛泛之交,而是相知多年的老朋友。Old friends of not just yesterday but years and years of friendship.

他们相遇相知,永远相惜。在布布熊的世界里,将会为您带来幸福与欢笑。In the world of BubuBear, they will bring happiness and laughter to you.

中智两国人民素有相知相亲的传统。The two peoples have the tradition of mutual understanding and affection.

一生的朋友,只会在一旁默默关注,不冀相知相守。Friends for life, only in the side of silent attention, not in each other.

但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。But once met then knowns one another well, how about meets not to see time.

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第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。The second, the one you should not known well,so then you may not lovesick.

和你相逢相知也有三年的时间了,祝你在以后的人生开心快乐永相随!May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health.

亲情,来源于血脉,爱情,来源于相知,友情,来源于相遇。Affection, love, from blood, from Xiangzhi, friendship, derived from the meeting.