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寄送爱的信件。Send Love Letters.

本局并不拆阅信件。We do not open letters.

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发声象信件。It sounds like a letter.

是航空信还是一般信件?Bir mail or ordinary mail?

请把这些信件仔细归档。File these letters carefully.

这是你的报纸和信件。Your newspaper and your post.

我收到一缸子的信件。I received a batch of letters.

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母亲烧掉了她的旧信件。Mother burned her old letters.

今天到了一迭信件。A wad of letters arrived today.

他忙于缮写信件。He' s busy copying the letters.

我总是亲笔写私人信件。I always write letters by hand.

抱怨的信件源源而来。Letters of complaint poured in.

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投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。Letters of complaint flooded in.

寄给我们的信件纷至沓来。We've been deluged with letters.

邮递员将接转你的信件。Messengers will relay your letters.

请打出上部箱子中的信件。Please type with upper-case letters.

这封电子信件就是我的特罗亚。The letter in the inbox was my Troas.

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你为什么对信件这么着迷呢?Why are you so fascinated by letters?

他在1854年给他的合伙人的信件中写道He writes this in 1854 to his partner.

我们每周大约发表35封信件。We publish about 35 letters each week.