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医生,你的病家是有地位的人。Doctor, your clients are, people of condition.

病家侵权有其特殊性,应当确立病家侵权的救济规则。Torts of patients and their families are different from the others.

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而访客也颇能深切地感受到,病家忧虑无助的心情。The visitor understood well the sadness and helplessness of the family.

一个多发性阿尔茨海默病家系,5代中12人患阿尔茨海默病。The family of multiple Alzheimer disease, 12 members of 5 generations suffer from Alzheimer disease.

许多医院为给病家就医提供便利,都免费出借轮椅车。Many hospitals for go see a doctor to the patient and family provide the convenience, all free loans the wheelchair.

医生的高度专业性,更是病人所赖以托负重任的依靠,而病家为求寻得具有专业水准及医德的医生,往往不惜付出重金,覆天盖地地寻找。Doctor's profession is what patients depend on. Patients are willing to make hard ways and take great efforts to find a good doctor.

在妇科病诊治中积有丰富临床经验,颇受病家信誉。Diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases in the plot is rich in clinical experience, credibility is quite patient and his family.

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方法采用病原学、血清学与病例对照和病家对照研究方法,检测标本和收集资料,进行整理分析。Methods Samples were tested by pathogenic and serologic means before data was collected and analyzed by case-control or family-control studies.

目的本室收集到一斑驳病家系,疾病在该家系中已遗传了三代,家系成员共14人,患者6人。Objective We collected a piebaldism family of which three generations had been affacted. The family has 14 members, 6 of them have severe phenotype.

目的明确一个无明显痴呆的舞蹈病家系的临床、影像学特征及IT15、DRPLA、JPH3、TBP基因突变情况。Objective To study the clinical, neuroimaging features and identify the mutations of IT15, DRPLA, JPH3 and TBP genes in a large Chinese family of chorea.

方法对收集的1例点状掌跖角化病家系进行系统的临床表型和遗传学特点的分析,并将结果与国内报道的其他4例点状掌跖角化病家系进行对比分析。Methods The clinical and genetic data from 1 case in a family were analyzed, and compared with 4 pedigrees of punctate PPK reported in the Chinese literature.

他的科学知识和他进行创新的手术实验时的机警与技巧也给他带来了一定数量的病家,因此他能得到他所需要的收入。His scientific knowledge, and his vigilance and skill in conducting ingenious experiments, brought him other-wise into moderate request, and he earned as much as he wanted.