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大多数情况下掺假没被检出。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected.

在整个维多利亚时期,食品都是被掺假的。All through the Victorian era food was adulterated.

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但此后,李林发现陈平仍在继续掺假。However, Li found that Chen continued adulteration.

当然,牛奶掺假在中国并不罕见。Adulterating milk, of course, is hardly unknown in China.

首先,食品被掺假后看起来更有吸引力。First, food might be adulterated to make it more appealing.

食品饮料掺假有多么盛行?Just how widespread was the adulteration of food and drink?

牛奶通常不止被掺假,也不卫生。Not only was milk commonly adulterated, it was often unclean.

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大多数情况下掺假没被检出。有时FDA会发现。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected. Sometimes FDA caught it.

高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利。They adulterated the high-quality gold ornaments to reap fabulous profits.

为什么掺假的牛奶走俏,不掺假的鲜奶反而没人要?Why adulterated milk popular, do not adulterate the milk but nobody wanted?

他还指责中国人掺假的行径,把羊毛混入羊绒,把棉花混入丝绸,“他们掺假,指鹿为马。He also accuses the Chinese of mixing the cashmere with wool, silk and cotton.

听说今年的冬天会特别的冷,不带一丝掺假的冷。Hear the winter of this year will be very cold, do not take a cold adulteration.

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掺假蜂蜜则不能被挑起,也不能挑成丝状。The adulterated honey can not be chosen, or can't become silks to choose either.

比较它们的指纹图,从中鉴别出掺假物的特征峰。The characteristic peaks of appropriate adulterant, were identified accordingly.

目的防止掺假炮山甲进入临床使用。OBJECTIVE To prevent adulterated Pangolin scales to be used in clinic treatments.

该法案禁止州内销售贴假标签和掺假的食品、饮料和药品。It prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs.

FDA还认为查获的睫毛增长液是一种掺假的化妆品。The FDA also considers the seized Age Intervention Eyelash to be an adulterated cosmetic.

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本文介绍了裂解气相色谱法鉴别中国生漆中的掺假物。Determination of adulterants in Chinese lacquer by pyrolysis gas chromatography is reported.

1906年法律禁止掺假冒牌食品药品在州内和国外市场流通。The 1906 law forbade interstate and foreign commerce in adulterated and misbranded food and drugs.

在我们城市,一切都存在掺假,是否也需要食品安全稽查官?Do we need no such food safety regulator or watchdog in our cities where everything is adulterated?