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你的音乐就在弹指之间。And your music is right at your fingertips.

可以将自己所需要的牌在弹指之间偷过来。Can be their own need to steal cards in the in a short moment.

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光阴似箭,弹指之间,一切都化为遥远的往昔。The flight of time, in a short moment, everything into the distant past.

现今的商业环境,竞争愈发剧烈,变革弹指之间。Today the business environment is more petitive and fast-changing than ever.

在弹指之间找回我面对困境时那必要的冷静。I face difficulties at your fingertips when you retrieve it necessary to calm.

这星期的静心方法要让你的心情在弹指之间,从恶劣变到正向愉悦。This week's method enables you to change moods from nasty to nice, just like that!

时间就是这个样子,徜徉其中觉得慢,一旦定睛回望,弹指之间。Time is like this, roaming among them will feel slow, once intently fell deeds, swing between.

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从此,无论您身在何处,弹指之间您便能够享用不可缺少的交易工具及资讯。Now wherever you are, you can get access the essential trading tools and information right at your fingertips.

即使如同“正义”这样的词汇也失去了意义,因为每件事物都沦落成为弹指之间的东西。Even words like justice lose meaning because everything gets reduced to the narrow qualities of the here and now.

一个国家一个按键的攻击会导致地球另一边另外一个国家的巨大破坏,就在弹指之间。"Keystrokes originating in one country can impact the other side of the globe in the blink of an eye, " Mr Lynn said.

但是电子藏书馆的速度却很快,弹指之间就可以下载一本书,在5秒钟内就可以打开200兆的影像文件。Users can download a book “in a blink.” Missen said, adding, “They can open a 200 megabyte video file in five seconds.

互联网让人可以在弹指之间获得商品、表达政治观点和进行人与人的瞬时通讯。The Internet offers fingertip access to economic goods, a medium for political voice, and instant interpersonal communication.

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在弹指之间,任何有助于提供线索的帮助工具都会为你理清一切,如字典,词典或是参考数据库。Instant access to any number of learning aids eg. dictionary, thesaurus or reference databases will have you clued in in seconds.

回想孩子们当年的襁褓岁月,有时候感觉似乎是一百万年前的事,有时又似乎只是弹指之间。In some ways it seems like a million years ago and in other ways it seems like it was just a blink of an eye that I held each one of my girls in my arms.

按一下滑鼠就可传到数据机,弹指之间,路由器就与网路伺服器联系,指示仓库里的机械装置取出某一本书,而这本书当天就可出货。A mouse click is passed to a modem that fillips a router that talks to a Web server that instructs a warehouse robot to fetch a book that is shipped out the same day.