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政权的傀儡木偶?Puppets of the state?

苏联工农***政权裙钗不休息。No rest for Soviet women.

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夺取了政权。Wrested power from the monarchy.

我们是社会主义政权。we were under a communist regime.

枪杆子里出政权。The political power come form guns.

你做不能颠覆政权的事。You cannot overthrow the government.

代比在1990年的一次政变中,夺得政权。Deby who took power in a coup in 1990.

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在两周情况下,现政权的存在都是必不可少的。The state is essential in either case.

他们的军队耀武扬威的夺取了政权。Their troops goose-stepped into power.

那个政权不再惩罚人民了。The regime was no longer punishing people.

结束了冉-魏这个恐怖政权。Ending the Ran Wei and his reign of terror.

现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。Few kings now hold the reins of government.

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那就是奥巴马政权。That is the abama administration in the US.

他冀图夺取政权的野心已经路人皆知了。His ambition to seize power is known to all.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

它可以在屏幕政权头盔。It can work in the regime of screen headpiece.

月亮是一个被铁腕政权统治的严酷的殖民地。The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein.

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在1789年,讽刺漫画家就开始嘲笑当时的古老政权。Caricaturists mocked the ancien régime in 1789.

我违反了这个政权的老例。I was violating one of the rules of the regime.

渴望毁灭的新政权将要出现。New allegiance will rise, thirsting for demise.